Really horrible day


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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... started off well, I was just sat with OH talking about random shizz when we heard a fire alarm go off in one of the flats near us. Went outside to see what was going on and black smoke was billowing out of next door and the poor guy was hanging out of his bedroom window. OH helped him down while I called the fire brigade and within minutes the whole place was up in flames. Once the fire brigade arrived they got it under control quickly but his flat, of course, was ruined.

The firemen and paramedics were all very nice people and kept making jokes about how I best not decide to drop now and I have to call it after them. :)

2 of the firemen went into our flat to check on damage and, luckily, the fire didn't spread although there was a lot of water by our front door and we had water dripping out of our hallway light. Aswell as the water everywhere our flat was a cloud of grey, FULL of smoke. We weren't allowed back in until the firemen said it was safe and were extra cautious because of me.

Thankfully all is sorted now, we just have to wait a couple of days to allow the affected electrics to dry out before they can be repaired and we had a fair amount of water to clear up.

As soon as we were allowed back into the flat we got the cats, who are thankfully OK were just scared because of all the smoke and noise. However, unfortunately our darling little hamster wasn't so lucky. We realised she hadn't woken up at her usual time a few hours ago and checked on her. At first we thought she was dead but then she moved and soon after started making horrible noises, like she was screaming. The stress off the situation along with smoke inhalation had taken it's toll and my brother picked us up and took us to the nearest 24hr vets where she had to be put down. :cry: He did not charge us as he said that chances are she wouldn't have lasted til morning and if she had she would have been in a lot of pain.

Today has really shaken me up and I'm not feeling too possitive right now. :(

Picture of the damage on the outside of the building, after fire was out.

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Omg! How scary!! Well done for keeping calm and :( for your hamster. Poor thing xxx
Aw poor hamster :-( glad you and everyone else escaped unharmed, still scary though :hug: x
These things really shake you out of your comfort zone, I'm glad everyone is ok. Poor wee hammy though :(
How scary. Glad you are ok. Sorry to hear about your poor little Hamster though :(
I hope it isn't going to be too much of a job for you to sort your flat out :(
It's a good job your OH was there to help your neighbour out his window too.
Yeaa, our bedding is ruined, going to have to get new as that's what he jumped onto and the downstairs bit (just a doorway nd lil hallway at the bottom of the stairs need repainting and a new light fitting as well as the wall up the stairs needing painting. We also have to put up with our flat smelling like some world war 2 experience for a while til we've washed EVERYTHING and well and truly aired it out but should be ok. I just took some rubbish out and saw the pile of burnt cr** outside, still can't believe it actually happened like... right next door... The idiot was doing toast when the toaster set alight, and instead of chucking something over it, or in the sink or just ou the window onto the grass... He decided to carry it through his flat and into the toilet!! THE TOILET of all places... Reason the whole place went up was cause hot plastic dripped onto his carpet and mattress (which was in his hallway for some strange strange reason) and boom, everything went up...

OH and I have decided that contents and life insurance will definitely be on our list of priorities after that... Thankfully neither are TOO expensive.

Thank you all for comments about poor lil Mary Jane (hammy), we're going to find somewhere nice to bury her today.

God what a horrible horrible day :( :hug:

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