Really feeling rubbish today :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Feeling so rubbish this afternoon. Had a steriod injection yesterday for my arthritis so should be feeling better but I am in a lot of pain today. My back is killing, I am struggling to even get off the sofa cos I am in pain and feel crappy and my bump is agony. I have a stitch like feeling (like someone has taken my muscles and tied them in a knot) thats really low down and I have a period like ache all over my tum.

Feel very sorry for myself but the OH has a stinking cold and still gone to work and Dylan is off school with a chest infection so feel like I can't moan and take to my bed. :-(
awww, hugs hun. Think you should have a relaxing bath if you can make it off sofa. Its crap isnt it when you are ill but you still have other people to look after. Hope you are feeling better soon xxx
Ta hun. May try later. Trouble is with my arthritis I can only have a bath if Jason helps me get back out of it and he will probably be hogging the bath cos he feels crappy to!!!!!
Aawwww hunny :hug: it never rains but it pours huh. Maybe a gentle bump massage would help? xxxxxxxxx
yeh I though I would lay on the bed later with a hot water bottle under my back and have a long rub on my belly with my stretch mark cream. Kill two birds with one stone. lol!!! Gonna make the dinner and Jasons due in soon. Wash up and get the germy ones settled then be a bit selfish and have some bed time. lol. x
Sounds like a plan.....just think soon you'll have 3 lots of man flu to look forward to :lol: girls for us both next time me thinks
I know!!!!!!!! Nightmare! lol. This is the last one for me hun. Have to start pretty soon on medication for the arthritis once AJ is here and you aren't allowed to get pregnant on it. :-(

Have to wait a few years for Dylan to make me a grandma ! Scary that I could be a grandma in a number of years him being nearly 14!!!!!:shock:
awwww hope ur feeling better soon hun. I havent been home from work long, got to work sat aswell now :( 6 full days this week, its killing me. not to worry. xxxxxxxx

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