really feeling it now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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Feeling sick but not being sick. Feeling so tired. I just want to sleep. And just feeling all in all 'blaah' i snt be arsed to do anything. Im 6+1 xxx
That's the 6 weeks+ kicking in hun. Not the bestest times of pregnancy. Growing a bubba really does zap everything in the 1st Tri. Hope you feel better soon. x
Feeling sick but not being sick. Feeling so tired. I just want to sleep. And just feeling all in all 'blaah' i snt be arsed to do anything. Im 6+1 xxx

that's when it hit me, constantly nauseous and exhausted. Hope it passes quick for you xx
Im the exact same hun, i feel sick alot but not being sick. <3 im also 6 weeks 1 day <3 xx
I'd rather be sick than feel nauseous. Mine has been horrendous! Today is the first day since Thursday last week I've been able to do a few bits in the house. Hope you ladies feel better soon and it passes quickly for all of us! Xx
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I didnt have this in my first pregnancy at all. So its all new to me. Started getting pains where baby woukd be im guessing. Good pains im hoping. Xxx
Get some travel sickness bands from boots! Helped me loads
I tried the bands with my first and they lasted a day! I've managed 3 small meals today so fingers crossed tomorrow is the same!! Xx
Sorry to hear your feeling sick.

I'm currently 6+2 (dated after an early scan yesterday) and feeling OK ATM.

Just wondering tho, my baby is 6+2 but my pregnancy is 8 weeks (since lmp) so which do you go on?

Should I be beginning the sickness now? are you guys 6wks past ur lmp? Or 6wks foetus age?

I'm so confused xx
I'd go from how big the baby is, so 6w2d.

I'm so jealous of all you ladies feeling sick! I know that sounds stupid but I had it really bad with Beth and I always felt like it was really reassuring because I had nothing with my first pregnancy that went wrong. So I really want to feel it now!

Sparkles, how many weeks was baby at your scan and did you see a clear heartbeat??
I was scaned yesterday with an internal scan and measured at 6+1. However they did say its not exact at this stage. But will be something around the 6 week mark.

Yip I saw the heartbeat. Was just a week flicker, completely surreal :-)
I had a scan at 7 weeks, only measured 6+4, at my 12 week I was put forward 5 days so do not worry if measuring behind at the moment, baby will most probably catch up.
For sickness I used sick bands every day, rocket lollies and frozen ribena, also boots pregnancy vits have ginger in them so helps with a queasy stomach and nausea. xx

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