Really fed up with work :o(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

How are we?

I am in a strop today and had to vent my frustration.

I am so struggling with work. I don't really enjoy my job anyway and getting up every morning to come in for 8 hours is really getting me down. Especially as i only gety a few hours sleep a night, if that!!

I had last week of due to my sciatic flaring up and have had loads of sick time and holidays off this year already. I just can't seem to do a full week!

My job isn't pa\rticularly tiring as i sit at a desk all day. But that makes time drag and the job is so boring and mundane.

I have to try and work as long as possible as i want to go back next January and if i leave too early we wont be able to afford it.

I wanted to save all my holidays so i could leave that bit earlier but i keep using them as i just hate coming to work.

I am due on the 13th June and was planning on working till the end of May but i'd give anything to stop work asap. But we are struggling financially anyway. I just want to cry at the though of coming to work it is really upsetting :cry:

Sorry for the maon!

24 weeks
I know exactly how you feel cause i am exactly the same, although i am finishing on the 20th April and i am taking all this years holiday entitlement up until then and only working every other week up until then. I dont get up in time in the morning so i always end up late aswell.

The worse thing is my job is being moved to another company whilst i am on maternity leave so i have to go back to a completely differant company with loads of people i dont know and a system i have never used before :?

I hate this place!!!!!
Oh dear! :hug:
I can sympathise as I feel the same about my job - have very little to do and there is loads of rubbish internal politics to contend with, which really drags me down.

Stick with it as long as you can, it will be worth it as you get more time with your baby the other side.

You could also look for another job when you are maternity leave?
topbird said:
You could also look for another job when you are maternity leave?

Do you not have to pay any maternity pay back if you leave the company? I'm sure that is what i read. In which case it would be easier for people to work the three months then leave?

It sucks doesn't it. I will definatley look for another job when on mat leave. I plan to be off till January so that gives me a while to think about it.

Its just so hard concentrating and most of the time work makes me feel bad.

My desk hurts my back and siting down all day kills me. I also dont have the energy to put all this effort in when i know i'm leaving soon and frankly dont care!

I have just got my MAT B1 with the 13th as my date.

So i expect i will have to tell HR soon when i want to leave. I keep looking at my diary and hoping i will see some solution that means i can leave earlier but no chance :eek:(

The earliest i can leave is the 21st May. Then the 6 weeks at 90% covers me till the end of June and i have to have 6 months at crap money.

It also means i'll get nearly 4 full wage packets.

But that means i have 13 weeks of work left, i cannot cope. And i will have to train up my mat cover soon. I can't bear it!!

I think if it wasn't for me needing the 4 full wage packets i would try and leave earlier but as DP isn't on very good money and we need a car i really need as much money as possible. Maybe my bank charges claim will give me ebough for a car, lol! Wishfull thinking!

Love laura


I don't think you have to pay back your maternity pay! Unless that is your company's policy, I would be surprised if you do as there are any number of reasons why you may not go back to work after maternity leave, so would be a bit un fair.

Has your company done a risk assessment of your work space? sounds a bit OTT but it is a requirement for them to provide you with a comfortable work environment.

If your back is hurting you must do something about it. Have you got a health and safety rep? demand a new chair for example, or you should be allowed more breaks etc...

I got a new chair and my desk is going to be made higher (will look very special) so I am more comfortable as my back is hurting too.

yeah they did a risk assessment ages ago.

i also got a new chari whch is better but i still get a bad back from sitting down all day.

My boss said in the risjk assesment i dont have to sit for long periods. I queried this and he said i can get up whenever i like so i dont have to.

Which is true but i cant just stand up in the middle of the day for no reason. I can t do my job unless i;m behind my PC.

Its silly really.

I can't get cpmfy at my desk whatever i do as i get terrible sciatica :(

When i get to third tri and am bigger i am going to ask if i can work from home fridays.

I'm sorry you feel this way, I enjoy my job and I like the people I work with but I too am fed up.
Can't wait for some time off, I've pretty much decided to leave either the end of April or mid may and take hols to the end of may and start Maternity a week before my due date of 30th. But I feel like I want to finish asap even though I know I'll be bored sat at home all day alone :roll:

If you're due on or after 1st April 2007 you're entitled to 39 weeks with Pay.
If your employers pay you statutory Mat pay = 6 weeks at 90% and 33 weeks at £112.75 (new rate) then you DO NOT have to pay this back.
This is statutory so you can look for another job, but if your company pay you more than the statutory requirement at their discretion, then they can ask you to pay the excess back.

Chin up girls, the year is flying by and we'll be off soon enough :hug:

Yeah 13 weeks isn't long to wait. Especially if later i can wangle working from home on fridays.

Its just with so much going on in my head work takes a back seat. And i dont want to have too much sick time off either.

My plan is so far as follows. start mat leave on 21st May. have 6 weeks at 90% which takes me until the end of June. Then i have six months at statutory 112 a week or whatever it is. then go back (or find another job) in January.
I could stay of with pay untill mid feb but i probably can;t afford it and after christmas seems a nice time to come back.

I wish DP had a really well paid job and i could have longer off looking after the baby. But never mind!

Blimey I'm due in 14 weeks :shock:

But same here, I'll be going back in January straight after Christmas.
My boss might even get me a laptop so I can do a few hours a week from home at my own leisure when bubs is asleep and add it up so I can have a bit of pay in January when I go back or some more hols next year instead of the measly 20+stats I get now.
Wish I could afford to stay off longer but my DH isn't exactly raking it in either :(

Thats good if they can do that.

I ahve a work laptop, but i dont think they would let me do that.

I suppose they wouldn't be able to juggle the work between me and my mat cover. It will be worth asking though. If i could even do a day at week when i'm off and top up my wages or something. But my place isn't very flexible. My boss is nice but HR are crap. thats what you gat for working in a stupid multinational company run by americans i suppose!

Or is that a bit xenophobic, sorry!

I just double checked and its 12 weeks till i can start mat leave, 3 weeks before my due date.

20 hols is a bit cack. We get 25 now, Used to be 20 though.

I'd love to go back part time but half my wages now isn't much more than sat mat pay and we've worked out that will be a struggle!! :(

Roll on May!

i can sympathise, i hate work/getting up early at the moment and my job is sitting-on-my-ass-at-a-desk too, but that can be so tiring, in a horrible way, coz ur brains knackered but ur a bit restless from sitting down too much! so i kno how u feel :hug: :hug:

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