Really down - am I harming my baby?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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As some of you know, I suffer from chronic fatigue and various other health issues and things just seem to be going from bad to worse right now.

I'm just waking up every morning and feeling absolutely dreadful - exhausted, with aching body and headaches and I don't know why suddenly things have got worse. I'm feeling so down and alone but I'm trying desparately to keep on top of things for my baby's sake, but I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 4.5 months feeling like this.

I'm also really scared that the way I'm feeling is harming my baby in some way - would crying a lot and feeling down effect him negatively? Could really do with some reassurance about this...

Thanks for listening and for any reassurance you can offer xxxxx
Oh sweetie :( I have to pop out but shall we have a chat on FB when I get back? Sending hugs xxxxx
What has the dr said about this ceebee? I know you were very poorly in Tri 1 but are these new symptoms?

I don't think it is fair that you are expected to suffer like this!!!

I would suggest lots of daytime naps and rest, even if you are not sleeping rest will do the job.

The crying and stressing is probably worse for you but I think you need to make time when you are not upset to talk to baby, reassure him, and give him lots of positive affirmations.

I know it is a bit "new agey" but I do think now bub is beginning to be able to hear it's time to get talking!!

I have been lucky with my pregnancy but I still have days when I feel like crap and end up in tears - sometimes proper sobs! I am pretty sure 99.9% of women have been there too but if it is getting too much and happening for hours on end day after day I think it's time to see the GP again.

Hi ceebee

Sorry you're feeling so low. I don't know what to suggest to make your feel better, do you have a specialist who could suggest something? I really don't think it's harming the baby, he's floating in his little bubble protected from the world. As Carnat says talking to him wouldn't hurt and might make you feel more positive.

Hugs and hope things improve soon xx
Sorry to hear your feeling so rotten at the moment hun, I hope things improve for you soon x

I've been really struggling but for different reasons, just about everything has gone wrong and I've been in agony for weeks including not being able to eat for days at a time. We've had bubba checked and the verdict is that he/she is a very relaxed baby so there is no evidence (at the moment at least) that what I've got going on is affecting bubba. Hopefully that's the same for you, try not to worry.

You should definitely try and see your consultant/midwife or GP and have a chat and reassurance scan and see if there is anything they can do or support they can offer which may help.
Oh chook :( Sorry to hear you're feeling this way! I could have written your post this morning! I've suddenly started to get migraine type headaches and nausea from mid afternoon each day, could it be the stage we're at?

Can you speak to your specialist or MW to see if there is anything that can be done? You are not doing your bub any harm at all, you aren't alone in feeling low/fed up/wondering how the hell we're gonna get through til the end! I'm pretty sure everyone (even those who have had relatively easy pregnancies) have felt crappy emotionally more than once!

I have my phone on me if you wanna chat on FB?!?

((Hugs)) Xxxx
Sorry ur feeling so low hun, sending u big hugs. Deffo talk to ur midwife about how ur feeling, maybe u have prenatal depression? Xxx
Thank you all so much for the support and much needed reassurances - it does help! :friends: I think sometimes it helps just to have a cry and a moan to a sympathetic ear, you know....

I did see my doc today and he said I may well be worse due to the hormones but unfortunately I will probably just have to grin and bear this as there's not much he could suggest due to me being pregnant. He did say listening to Mozart might be good for my baby so I'm willing to give this a try and like some of you suggested I will definitely be talking to my baby and telling him how much I love him...

It's not going to be an easy ride, I know, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it right now. It's just unfortunate that being pregnant has made me more ill than I already was and I just have to try and stay hopeful that things will improve once I give birth.

Thanks again for being there :) No doubt I will be up and down throughout the next few months, so expect similar posts again :roll:

Hugs to all:hugs:xxxx
Oh bless you lovely! So sorry to hear you're feeling crappy. I don't really have much to suggest that your doc hasn't already, but just wanted to say I'm sure your lil man is happy as larry in there and you're not harming him... You get ladies who are in and out of hospital with that hyperemesis for the whole 9 months feeling dreadful don't you, and their babies are okay.

Defo think the hormones make you feel up and down emotionally too, I've had my fair share of crying and feeling rubbish! Just think you're halfway there and will all be so worth it in the end (even if it feels like forever away now!)

And you can always talk to us :D xxx
oh ceebeeeeee :hugs:

i know you struggle, i am always here if you need to pm me sweety

you will be up and down due to hormones as the doc said, dont worry too much i am sure lots of pregnant ladies have emotional and knackering pregnancies, your condition will magnify it too!

masive hugs sweetheart xx
Sorry to hear your having a crappy time. But don't worry about your baby, I'm sure it's just chilling in its bubble :) cooking away!
Pregnancy hormoans have alot to answer too, and hopefully you feel better soon. Take each day at a time! X
Thanks again people :) Feeling a bit better today, so just taking one day at a time....

Oh bless you lovely! So sorry to hear you're feeling crappy. I don't really have much to suggest that your doc hasn't already, but just wanted to say I'm sure your lil man is happy as larry in there and you're not harming him... You get ladies who are in and out of hospital with that hyperemesis for the whole 9 months feeling dreadful don't you, and their babies are okay.

Defo think the hormones make you feel up and down emotionally too, I've had my fair share of crying and feeling rubbish! Just think you're halfway there and will all be so worth it in the end (even if it feels like forever away now!)

And you can always talk to us :D xxx

Thank you ams :) And may I say - congrats on reaching tri 3!!! Wow - you're nearly there hon! :D xxxx

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