really don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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So having booked this fab holiday in Borneo and the doc being really positive this morning, the dos/nurse then spoke to the NHS travel advisory to sort out antimalarials and their advice on the phone just now? bottom line, not to go. They have advised alternative antimalarials but because I can't talk to them myself I don't know the details of whether they will be effective because its a resistant area. My GP can't answer all my questions cos she doesn't know the answers and this is all fourth hand from the centre to the nurse to the doc and then to me, I can't talk to them directly. My OH is in work and I'm working late tonight so don't know how we are going to talk this through. I leave for KL on Saturday which I'll still do, its the holiday in Borneo we might have to cancel. I don't even know if my insurance will cover me cos although I didn't know it I was pregnant when some it was booked/paid for. God I'm confused and want to swear a lot right now.
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Hey hun,
We nearly had to camcel our trip to borneo at this stage last year for a different reason and if we had of we would have got everything but £800 back. Are they saying to have malaria tablets because your going into the rainforest? We didn't have to have them at all although ours was a hotel based holiday. The government website can tell you everything you need. Is there anyway you can amend your holiday at all so you spend less time in the rainforest? I know your trekking up the mountain so that means a fair amount of time in there! I'm sure everything will work out x
I think u can claim on your travel insurance if u book a holiday and then find out your pregnant as that's what we were going to do as my fur date is July 17th and was going to fly out to turkey on aug 3rd!! They need doc to sign paperwork etc but worth thinking about as an option xx
Sorry, it a reflex panic. I don't normally do this, I think all this is making me over react a little! After long thoughts and discussions I now have different malaria tablets (mefloquin is safe in pregnancy although might give me hallucination :s My OH had them once and said he got really vivid dreams, so long as they are good ones I can cope with that! I am NOT going to panic. Insurance company has been informed and is fine and claims said if I needed to cancel I could although would loose some of the money. Its a trip of a lifetime and I want to be realistic and sensible and tread that fine, fine line between over-optimisim and paranoia!
If we can we are going to reshuffle the trip to avoid exposure to the peak mosquito times (ie dawn and dusk) but still try and do most things. Watch this space I may get struck down with ms and be unable to leave the hotel :p

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