Really bad stomach pain - what is it? :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Dear all,

Hope you can help me with this! I have bad pain in my stomach, stretching all the way across my diaphragm (I think - never been good at Biology) but it's definitely the stomach that's the problem.

Assuming it was indigestion at 3pm yesterday, I had some Gaviscon and didn't eat much for tea. The pain kept me awake for a lot of the night and every time I tried to turn over my bump hurt.

This morning I was dizzy and sick (probably blood pressure) but stomach has continued to hurt since, even though I've been asleep for 3 hours this afternoon. It is SO painful.

What can I do to help myself?! I am cooking tea at the moment knowing that I probably won't be able to eat it :cry:
hi hun, i'm sneaking into 3rd tri to check on you all :wink:

i would give m/w a call for some reassurance, you know yourself and whats normal for you, and thats clearly not normal. could be the start of a bug or something, but best to get some proffesional advice hun :hug:

Funny you should say that Sara - excellent advice by the way - I have a planned 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow, how convenient! :cheer:

I'll let you know what she says xxx
This sounds pretty nasty, poor you :hug: The only time I have had anything similar during my preg was when I had a nasty allergic reaction in my stomach to some painkillers (that were prescribed by the hospital for migraine). I had the pain and tightening across the diaphram, was dizzy and violently sick, it went on for hours. Anyway, my point is, you may not have an allergic reaction, but it does sound as though your stomach is going thorugh some trauma, maybe through a bug or something.
I hope your mw can tell you what it is tomorrow and find you some relief from it. Hope you are better soon! :hug: :hug:
U work in a school hun, like me...all those germs (and the bugs/diseases :rotfl: ) ...i caught the sickness bug about 2 weeks ago, was in so much pain, had to ring the labour ward, thought i was having contractions!!! Could be a tummy bug...amplified by baby! :hug:
Hey poor you :hug: If you are concerned and in that much pain I would say call your MW/Dr. I was always advised to do so with any unexplained pain. It may be nothing more than a tummy bug but I think you should speak to someone in the know just to put your mind at ease.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Poor you :( I hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It sounds like a bug to me but i would have a chat with your midwife.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
how is the pain today hun? let us know what m/w says :hug:

does sound like a bug hun, i felt really sick and awful a few weeks ago, turned out to be a kidney inf, manifested itself in nausea and fever, I was pleased i asked my doc. be on the safe side and checked out but schools and colleges are nasty places for bugs, I use the hand sanitizer all the time at college.
take care xx

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