Really anxious


Jan 21, 2008
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Can anyone help me i constantly worry about my babys movements im 25wks pregnant and only feel baby move during the day. And somedays the baby doesnt seem to move alot at all. is this normal?? :?
Im the same really I only feel her wiggleing just after I have walked to work and in the evening I think its pretty normal. I know she wiggles a hell of alot more than what I feel because they always have fun chasing her around my tummy when they need to hear the heart beat!!!
Have a glass of juice then have a lay down on the couch or bed, you should be feeling at least 10 movements in a day, if not call your midwife and they will probably see you just to monitor you - better to be safe than sorry huni, go with your instincts!!

Hope everything is ok x x x :hug:
Perhaps you have a very chilled out bubs :D

Sometimes I don't feel mine for a while but then at other times he won't stop kicking :lol: Also mostly when I'm busy, I don't notice him as I don't get really painful kicks yet :D

I'm sure all is well with your bubs, do you have a doppler for reassurance?
Where is your placenta lying? Check your scan notes in your file. Should tell you. Often movements are not always felt as LO's are kicking into the placenta for a while.

So long as you are getting decent movements daily I'd not worry overly. Some babies tend to be more active during the day, others at night. And at 25 weeks there is still time for your LO to move round and be facing somewhere you can't feel them kicking. Mine used to kick hell out of my placenta and I'd never know. And would have quiet spells for hours at a time. But there would still be gentle movement only because I was moving round etc I didn't pick up on it so much as if still.

If you are worried have a cold drink and a lie down for half an hour and rest your hands on your tummy and see what you feel. If you are really worried still give your MW a call.
I agree with the others, also babies are little ppl too sometimes they get knackered other times they are sleeping and queit.

One day my little guy was really going for it all day long... then the next day he was really chilled out, maybe he was doing a little work out lol!

Thanks ladies ur advice has really helped. I guess im a little more anxious cause i dont have my MW on hand as im overseas for 2 months and the service here aint hands like in England.

But as long as i keep feeling movements i will remain positive. I never would have believed that pregnancy could be so stressful... :eek:
My baby has quiet days sometimes and doesn't move around too much. She makes up for it on other days when she kicks the hell out of me :rotfl:
You could try playing some loud'ish music too, most babies react to the beat, and also remember that whilst you're moving around during the day, your baby could be too but you just don't notice :hug: If you want reassurence I would go see someone out where you are, a hospital even, they will understand you want to be certain baby is OK, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug: ... vements/#8
Redshoes said:
You could try playing some loud'ish music too, most babies react to the beat, and also remember that whilst you're moving around during the day, your baby could be too but you just don't notice :hug: If you want reassurence I would go see someone out where you are, a hospital even, they will understand you want to be certain baby is OK, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug: ... vements/#8

I find the prodigy seems to work baby also likes a bit of Timberland too,

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