Really annoyed


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I rang the gp surgery yesterday to ask the mw to contact me with regard to my booking-in appointment. The receptionist didn't seem to know what to do, and had to ask someone else - put on hold for ages - I was then told that I had to see the gp first. I tried explaining that in my previous pregnancies the mw had insisted that I don't need to see the gp and to just go straight to her, but the receptionist wouldn't hear of it - she said that it's changed since then! Well, it hasn't because they wanted me to see gp last time, but I went straight to mw as I still knew her name, she has since left and I have no idea who the new one is.

So, I have an appointment today with the gp. What I want to know is, what is likely to happen at this appointment? I have never seen a gp with regard to any of my pregnancies, always go straight to mw.

I asked the receptionist if I needed to take a sample, and she just said 'I suppose so'!!

Was really hoping I would get to see the mw on tuesday - she's only in the surgery once a week - but it looks like I will have to wait longer now. I knew I should have rung earlier! :x

Sorry for my moaning.

Heather x
I went to my gp and told them I was pregnant and that was it, she didnt ask for sample of anything, she just referred me to the mw and for my nuchal scan. My booking in appointment with my mw isnt until 12 weeks, so wont get to see her until then. In the meantime if I have any worries or problems I am supposed to see my gp? its different for every area but most booking in appointments are around 9-10 weeks i think. Unless you need a dating scan then i dont think your normal scan is at 12 weeks but again depends on every area. good luck and hope you get something sorted. x
Hey chica,

Well, I had to see GP first at my surgery too, what a waste of time that was! I just sat at the desk, she asked what I'd come in for, I told her I had had a bfp, she then asked for date of last period, told me what she worked out the EDD to be, and booked me in to see mw 2 weeks later!

Don't know if your surgery will be the same or different, as mine has mw in every day rather then once a week, so maybe with yours the doctor will do more, but mine lasted about 2 minutes.

Sorry to hear the receptionist was unhelpful babe :hug:
Unless you need a dating scan then i dont think your normal scan is at 12 weeks but again depends on every area.

sorry typo, first scan is normally at 12 weeks...
I saw my GP, told her I was pregnant (I brought a positive pee stick with me in case she didn't bevieve me!). She weihged me & said she'd sort out my scan & told me to book my booking in appointment at reception on my way out.
I went to to Family Planning.... right place to go eh? :think: erm No :talkhand: :lol: what they done.... Took PG test, there and then came up BFP straight away and strong :clap: Then took my dates, work out due date.. whichj i already done... took my weight... and gave me a letter for my GP, Also gave me a sample bottle so i could take it to gp app.
Next went to GP... gave him letter saying BFP, and he done all the same things.. but did give me Folic Acid.***important to take if TTC and newly PG***
Told him i wanted to see my MW ASAP, he wrote to them refering me.... never heard a word for weeks.....
finally got first MW app through for when i would have been 14+weeks.....but unfortunately too late for me, lost my baby at 11 weeks :cry: not that it could have been prevented, but I do know what you mean about wasting time...... :roll: I felt my GP app was a waste of time :shakehead:
But that being said... maybe you should see him about the CM anyway? i know it's not painful or smelly, and i have heard of lots of people who have had it, but i would still get it checked out and treated..
Good luck Doll And congratulations :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer:
Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug: :hug:
I always had to see GP first, tell them your PG, they ask if you 'happy' about it. Work out your dates, so yo normally see the Midwife for booking at about 8-10 weeks. They ask what hospital or what have you you plan to have bub at, cause the notes the midwife fills in at booking in are different for different hospitals hence seing GP first.
At my Dr's you just ring Reception and they give you a booking in date with the midwife. I rang last wednesday and had a choice of either the next day or two weeks so I opted for 2 weeks.

Maybe you ladies should all move here :wink:

First time I went to docs and felt a right idiot - she didn't seem to understand why I was there! She worked out my EDD (I'd already done that myself so that was a waste of time) then told me to make an appt with MW.

So this time I just made an appt with the MW straight away. I've never been given a pregnancy test though - they just assume if you've done a home one that it doesn't need confirming..!!


Here you go to your doctor or any clinic they confirm pregnancy with a blood test, then make a visit to your family doctor before 10 weeks cuz here most get doctors not modwives, but i just found out they are free here so i might get one this time. :)
Its different here and im sure in alot of other places for example we dont get early ultrasounds unless there is a problem or had a wierd last af.
Hope you get everything figured out its all very confusing at first.
Well, had my appointment with the gp. What a waste of time. He asked if I had confirmed the pregnancy with a home test, and asked when my lmp was, and used one of those cirular card thingys to work out that I was due on 13 June (I get it to be 11 June - lmp was 4 Sept). He asked if I'd had any problems in previous pregnancies, I said no. He printed out a prescription for folic acid and told me to make an appointment with mw.

So, at reception I make an appointment. Apparently the midwife only comes fortnightly now!! :shock: And her next day is fully booked, so I am booked in for 3 weeks time, by which time I will be 10+4!!

I think I will ring on monday to just check that I will be able to get a 12 week scan if not seeing the mw until then.

Furious that I couldn't have just got an appointment with mw. I rang yesterday, and in that time I may have got an appointment next week instead of waiting 3! :x

Thanks for all your replies.

Heather x
Aww how frustrating! :evil:

Makes me realise by reading this forum how different healthcare is in different places.

I must admit we're really lucky where ae are for example by 15 weeks I had seen m/w 3 times and I got my scan date through by the time I was 6 weeks.

Hope you get your scan sorted soon...good luck with it :hug:
I saw my m/w at 11+1 and as she had seen my dates she had booked me in for a scan 2 days later .
Hi everyone (my first post)

I went to my GP and told him I was pregnant and he just smiled! Which was helpful. He told me he'd arrange a MW appointment for 2 weeks laters. 2 1/2 weeks later - nothing! I rang receptionist and was rudely told that I was jumping ahead of myself and that I wouldn't get my first MW appointment until 8-10 weeks, which is fine but I wish my GP had told me that.

MW came round when I was aboput 9 weeks pregnant and was told that I would be able to have my first scan at 11 weeks 6 days as I'm a teacher and that would fall in half term. No appointment arrived - I rang MW and was told to ring ultrasound department, they told me that I wasn't due to have scan till end of November. It turns out that MW had written down my last period as the 25th August instead of the 5th August.

Anyway, after lots of phone calls, chaotic and disorganised GP/MW I finally have my scan on friday - I'll be 12 weeks 6 days

Very excited but I'm a big worrier so am also very nervous.
I saw my GP, told him i was pregnant, 3rd one so he didn't ask me how i knew :D He checked my blood pressure and weighed me and told me to make a MW appoint as it's all done at my GP's surgery now, so first appoint on 2nd Nov, first scan not a clue, i'm not worrying though,been here before :D :cheer:

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