readjustment after coming off pill


Oct 17, 2008
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Just a general question, I recently came off the pill at the end of the pack, had the usual bleed and exactly 1 month later had a normal AF, is this a good sign that my body has sorted itself out again already as I've heard that the pill can take a while to get out of your system?

Cheers all
not sure - heard it can take a few months but I couldn't tell when it was out - felt the same to me. sorry I'm not much help!
I would say its a very good sign!! Some ladies dont get an AF for months after stopping the pill.

Like you I finished my pills, had the usual end of packet bleed, next month had a normal AF, next month I got my BFP (had been on the pill for 18 years).

They do say it can take some months for the pill to get out of your system, but also you might be surprised how quickly you actually fall pregnant - its different for everyone!!

Good luck TTC
Hiya I came off the pill a few months ago and like you it was at the end of the packet. I had my normal AF at the end of the packet and then I had a 28 day cycle, great I thought. Then I had a 30 day cycle, then a 35 day cycle and my last one was 41 days. Currently on CD13. I think everyone is different, I thought I had been lucky with my first proper cycle after coming of the pill (I was on it for 16 years) but then they wer all over the place.

They really hurt as well now they are real AF :(

Good luck and if they do go all over the shop, don't let it get you down :hug: xxx
Thanks everyone, still not sure if I want to TTC yet even but coming on here is giving me a bit more courage and information anyway! I've only been on the pill for 1 year and memories are already coming back as to how much worse AF is when you're not on the pill, ha ha.

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