

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I feel like a dog today trying to chase its tail, without success!!

Right remember my consultant wants me to go on 'yutopar' at 18 weeks to relax uterus to stop contractions...well yesterday I went to the dr to get the prescription so easy peasy that was done. It was running late so I decided to collect it today..went to the chemist who hadn't got it in stock! They rang around my whole town which has at least 10 chemists in it and no luck! They tell me they can order it and I'll get it monday, fine; except their supplier doesn't stock it! :wall: they ring round another chemist with a different supplier and the same answer :eh: they ring my hospitals pharmacy and they dont have it,
they finally ring the company who makes it to be told its no longer licensed in this country :wall: 1 whole hour I was in the chemist :(

So I come home and ring the hospital and oif cours no consultant until Monday so I'll be chasing my tail on Monday no doubt as well :mad:
oh dear sounds like a right palaver hopefully be sorted for you on monday x
to just read that even made me tired, can imagine how you feel x
Good grief - how come the consultant didnt know it had been discontinued? Poor you, the last thing you want to be doing is chasing things up. I hope you get it sorted with minimal fuss xx
Oh crap! Will they be able to give you something else?

I was on plain salbutamol last time so I expect it'll be that, I even told him it was salbutamol I was on :wall:
That is dreadful, as someone else said, is there something else they can give? Why on earth has it been unlicensed and consultant didn't know? Hope you get some answers :hug:
Oh how frustrating for you, hope they sort it out quickly on Monday.
Aww sorry to hear that mamafy, really sucks your consultant didn't know it was discontinued! Hope it gets sorted soon x
Nightmare! Really hope it's sorted by Monday Hun! Xx

Rang the hospital this morning and my consultant is on holiday for 3 weeks :wall: so the lady said she'd speak to another consultant and ring me back and she did within 30 minutes :yay:

The consultant said I could be prescribed salbutamol which I was on last time but he'd need to see me first :eh: get my heart checked, bp and such so now I have to drive to the hospital in the morning (nearly 90 minutes away :mad: )

The kids have been bonkers today so I'm not taking them with me as I usually do :lol: my mums been roped in :oooo:
Bummer it's such a long drive, but at least it's getting sorted :)

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