Rant Alert


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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This is a rant, not expecting replies!

Before I continue, I am prochoice!

I passed Glasgow Royal Infirmary today and there was an Anti-Abortion Protest going on outside. There were maybe about a dozen people with placards. The images on these placards were horrific. I only glimpsed them and I have one stuck in my mind.

My rant is, why the hell are they doing this outside Glasgow's busiest hospital, on one of the busiest roads, at 1pm????

There were kids walking past, mums' pushing buggies past. I would be HORRIFIED if I had to walk past them with a small child who would see these images!

I can't even begin to think about the questions some of those poor parents are having to field from their LO's!!


Because they have nothing better to do hun and should worry about their own lives and let everyone get on with their's
im also pro choice but i think they resorted to such rough images so that people thought harder before getting pregnant.

not nice for little kiddies to see i know
because they are so intent on proving a point they can't think of any other POV's. I am all forfreem speech but cannot stand people who do that, like a woman who has to go in for an abortion for whatever reason needs to see those. can you imagine if you had to have one for medical and you have to get by those do-gooders first :x

off topic I always found the prolife extreme groups who murdered people who carried out abortions a tad contradictory
because they faked pictures, stuck them up on some placards, and use that to attempt to guilt trip women into not having an abortion.

I remember looking at a site that showed half of these pictures were faked...they were showing 7 week old fetuses looking more like 20 weeks...or else they were showing pictures of stillborn babies and saying they were "aborted" at such and such a stage..which i personally think is sick.

To be honest, regardless of the rights or wrongs of abortion, intimidation on that level is totally wrong and extremely hypocritical
i am against abortion (for me personally...everyone has there own reasons and there own choices to make) but i would never ever find it in me to do this
its bad enough seeing your own baby in the tissue (im sorry) let alone someone elses...
that is disgusting to subject people to those images without their consent :x i can imagine what those images were- coz i have a curious mind and hav googled abortion pictures (I WISH I HADNT- IF U NEVER DONE IT I ADVISE U NOT NOT NOT TO) :(

to wave them pics around so people might see them who are not stupid like me and would not choose to look- thats bang out of order :shakehead:
i am against abortions (for myself i mean before anyone thinks anything else) but when ive been searching the internet before pictures have come up of dead fetuses and its made me feel ill, the images ive seen i would never like my children to see, so them doing that when kids are going past ect is wrong. ive also seen my own baby which died and it was fully formed and everything

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