random question??


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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has anyone on here who is expecting got any ovulation tests lying around??

reason im asking is cos ive had very faint positive HPT'S and strong positive OPK's the last 5days, but now im getting negative OPK's

just wondering if an expectant mother would do a little experiment for me if possible.

i just feel that now im getting negative OPK's that i maybe was preggo but not anymore :-(

any help is greatly appreciated xx
Had some opk's left - just went and poas, got a positive opk - sorry, not sure it means anything though. Still hoping you get a bfp from your blood test tomorrow :)
thank you frankie....for spending a penny for me x

that confirms all i needed to know....

i think i will go rock back and forth in the bath and sort myself out then smile and get on with it now....
Sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear, I have no idea if that means you are out though, don't despair yet! :)
That was really nice of you Frankie, i would have done it if i had one. I'm really sorry that it wasn't better news ema-lou :hug:
thank you for doing that.

we will wait on the doctor to confirm it but we both feel that it is significant enough to us to say ema was and isnt now preg.

starting to struggle with all this slightly now but as ema said... smile, deal with it and file it away with the rest o the shite in our lives we dont need :)

thanks again :)
I done one this morning hun as I have no hpt just for abit of reassurrance and it was a definite positive, test line being much stronger than the control line.

:( You're going through such a rough time :hug:
Sorry you are both struggling at the moment but can I just say that it is obviously a great relationship you guys have :)
thank you every1.

just feel like i was sooo close but not close enough. even with a low count stu has managed to do what he had to do, but it was me who failed to keep it .....bit of a kick in the balls there..

im now just sitting waiting for AF to arrive....anyone got any wine??
Really sorry your going through a tough time! Really hope you get your bfp soon Hun x x x
Thats what happened to me in Feb/march EL.....faint positive HPT and OPK's then started to fade....suggesting it may have been a Chemical Pregnancy and its so frustrating that nobody even bothered to find out and confirm either way just so YOU knew you were/are pregnant! Hope you get some answers tomorrow and can get some comfort from knowing weither way xxx
i know this is very easy for me to say but try once your over your tears to take something positive from this in that you can do it many many people have chemicals its nothing you have done but you did manage to get a lil swimmer there so it can be done i hope that doesnt sound callous its not meant that way xxxxx
i know what you mean serenity...thank you.

it is a little hard to deal with cos we were so close...this is the closest weven been in 10months, but we are strong and will get there in the end...

thank you to everyone xx
Totally agree SL....thats the way we look at it now after happened in Feb....at least we know we can get pregnant and yeah that time it didnt make it but who knows in the near future....xxx
ema lou just read in other thread you not had af yet sorry i didnt realise this best of luck with your test think i may have jumped gun with what i said sorry xxx
dont be silly serenity.....

i like that fact you have said it how it is and it has given us a glimmer of hope, thank you xx
ema lou just read in other thread you not had af yet sorry i didnt realise this best of luck with your test think i may have jumped gun with what i said sorry xxx

no need to say sorry...

beleve it or not, your words mean quite allot. especially to me :)
dont be silly serenity.....

i like that fact you have said it how it is and it has given us a glimmer of hope, thank you xx

oh hun there is always hope im walking proof of that it took me so many yrs but nothing in life comes easy and it just makes it all the more special when it does arrive best of luck to you

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