Quinney Zapp - opinions please

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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We are going camping to France in a couple of weeks and at Easter we are off to Florida. I've been looking at getting a Quinney Zapp as I've read that they are extremely compact and light. Obviously with camping we need all the space we can get and I'd also like a pushchair I can take on a plane as hand luggage as from experience they dont give you your pushchair back immediately on landing and waiting for immigration in America is a nightmare. I've looked on ebay and it looks like I can get a second hand one pretty cheaply. The thing is I'd be interested in any feedback people can give me on the Quinney Zapp. If its been good or bad. I've made so many mistakes with car seats and prams over the years I really would like to make a good decision this time.
I got mine a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE it!! One of my best buys. It's light, folds up ikkle so dead good for travelling. The only things i'd point out (don't bother me) are no storage basket underneath and does not recline. Oonly 1 sitting position. It's fab to push around.
I'm looking for a lightweight three wheeler at the moment too.

I did look at the Zapp in Babies R us last night. Lovely and light and easy to push, but when I put Boobin in, it just felt like she was perched on a little ledge instead of sat in a comfy seat. She only has a little bum too - smaller than Rowans would be. Also, like sweetcheeks said, it doesn't recline. I know if I couldn't lay Boobin down, there would be hell to pay :roll:

I'm really really tempted by the City Mini Baby Jogger. Have you seen the fold on that :shock: Probably wouldn't be able to take it as hand luggage though (we're happy to let them put it in the hold). The other thing I like about this is the hood. It comes right down over, like a proper sun shade. Actually, aren't they American? Perhaps you could pick one up over in Florida :think:


http://www.preciouslittleone.com/acatal ... MINIR.html

The thing that's putting me off at the moment, is I can't try before I buy. Can't find anywhere that sells them :think:

Good luck in your quest mate - hard work init!!

Oh and another one I was considereing, is the Petite Star Zia - but found some review that say the wheels fall off - so ruled that one out :shock:
Moomum said:
I'm really really tempted by the City Mini Baby Jogger.

Lozzi made me get one (!) and I LOVE it! Folds up so easily. I'd really recommend it.
Lots of storage and full recline too. Lxx

PS: Good to see you on here Stacey :hug: :hug: :hug:
LucyBee said:
Moomum said:
I'm really really tempted by the City Mini Baby Jogger.

Lozzi made me get one (!) and I LOVE it! Folds up so easily. I'd really recommend it.
Lots of storage and full recline too. Lxx

PS: Good to see you on here Stacey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Great to hear - thanks :hug: Is it compact and easy to put in the boot? I have a Focus. Is the recline easy? Do the wheels fall off lol ? So many questions, but like I said I can't "see it" before I buy it!!
Moomum...so easy to put in the boot. I put it in the back of the car because it's so thin once it's folded.
The recline is easy peasy. My wheels haven't come off...yet!

I think Lozzi may have put a review on here somewhere. It's a GREAT pushchair. That one-handed fold is brilliant!
Moomum said:
LucyBee said:
Moomum said:
I'm really really tempted by the City Mini Baby Jogger.

Lozzi made me get one (!) and I LOVE it! Folds up so easily. I'd really recommend it.
Lots of storage and full recline too. Lxx

PS: Good to see you on here Stacey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Great to hear - thanks :hug: Is it compact and easy to put in the boot? I have a Focus. Is the recline easy? Do the wheels fall off lol ? So many questions, but like I said I can't "see it" before I buy it!!

Talking of one handed - can you push it one handed :think: Oh and is the seat comfy and roomy :think:

Wish I could find Lozzis review - looked but can't see it. How long ago roughly?

What colour do you have btw? Quite fancy orange, but might clash with her pink clothes.

Oooh - and whats it like for getting up kerbs etc?
I also have the city mini and it is fantastic, the wheels are very secure! I was torn between that and the Zia and was also put off by stories of wheels falling off!

It is really easy to push one handed, the seat is roomy but not hugely padded (which makes it cooler) I have a buggy snuggle on mine which makes it comfier. The hood is fantastic in hot weather as it practically covers the whole baby.

I have it in blue (even though I have a girl!) with a pink buggy snuggle! If you want a day out Olivers baby care in Winchester stock them! That is where I bought mine as I wanted to see it in the flesh first.

I would also really recommend it.
sass said:
I also have the city mini and it is fantastic, the wheels are very secure! I was torn between that and the Zia and was also put off by stories of wheels falling off!

It is really easy to push one handed, the seat is roomy but not hugely padded (which makes it cooler) I have a buggy snuggle on mine which makes it comfier. The hood is fantastic in hot weather as it practically covers the whole baby.

I have it in blue (even though I have a girl!) with a pink buggy snuggle! If you want a day out Olivers baby care in Winchester stock them! That is where I bought mine as I wanted to see it in the flesh first.

I would also really recommend it.

Oooh - I want one now! Sorry Stace for hijacking your thread. Hope it's been useful though, maybe one you might consider :think:
Hi there. I've got a city mini and I love it.
I can fold it, put it up, stear it, get it up and down curbs all with one hand, it does handle really well. I had a friends 20month daughter and my dd the other day and had my dd in the buggy and the other walking and it was so easy, we went on the bus and walked loads too. I've taken it on the train and underground too. I've had a verve and a petite star zia and this is by far the best. It folds so flat so fits just about everywhere, the wheels come off easily, the buttons to take the wheels off are in a sensible place (not like the zia) so they don't just fall off all the time.
It's just really great and hassle free.
Thanks for all the responses girls. Great to see you too Lucybee and Moomum :hug:
I went to Mothercare today and spent ages looking at the Quinney Zapp. I agree the jogger looks great and seems like a fantastic buy, thanks for the tips. I have to say whats really persuading me is the size of the Quinney as its so compact although its true the seat has little depth, having said that Rowan has a tiny bottom the size of a small chocolate watch so he'd probably not have a major deal with that. Also worth noting about the lack of recline although again Rowan hasn't done day time naps since he was about 6 months :roll: I'm really feeling drawn in that direction but am nt going to rush into anything. I do appreciate all the input, I've made so many pushchair cockups I really want to think this through before I part with my cash.
I know exactly what you're saying, I'm always jumping in without really thinking things through, but i think i've got it right this time, (bought jogger today)...... and the fold on the jogger -well - what can i say....

oh and Stace - Rowans bum sounds yummy :rotfl:
:D Oh trust me Rowan is yummy yummy I could just eat him. LOL funny how we go gaga over their tiny little bodies. :rotfl:
I had a zapp for my son about a year ago, and got it for very similar reasons to yours, not taking up much space and wanting something light and compact for a holiday. I loved it at first and it was great to push etc, but when it came to taking it on a plane, it all started to go wrong. Firstly I was under the impression I would be able to take it on as hand luggage as it folded so small, but no, had to go in with luggage. Obviously this meant having to chase around the airport after my son while waiting for luggage at the other end, then when he got tired I had to carry him. He was 2 years old then so not easy to carry!! Also when the pushchair came through, we noticed that the covers off the brake plates had been damaged, and also the frame was scratched quite badly. I knew the staff wouldnt exactly handle it with care, do they ever, but I considered this to be a little inferior manufacture-wise with the cheap plastic covers on the brake plates. We then had to spend the entire holiday struggling to put the brakes on, as there was only a little piece of plastic left to apply your foot to, no bigger than a 2-pence piece.

Once on the holiday itself, we also found it not very practical. There is no shopping basket underneath so couldnt even carry a bottle of water without taking a bag. Couldnt hang bags off the buggy as it is totally unstable with ANY extra weight on the back. We also found the seat position a bit of a problem as we couldnt recline it. At this point my son wasnt having naps in the afternoon as a rule, but on holiday where you are out and about all day and generally doing stuff all the time, it was a huge inconvenience when he did fall asleep as his head would flop forward, or otherwise he would slip sideways and either way would wake up with a stiff neck. Not so much of a problem during the day as he was quite happy to walk most places, but come late evening after eating out or going for a walk, he would be exhausted from a long day and generally fall asleep on the way back to the apartment.

We did manage to get replacement parts for it fairly easily when we got home, and had it serviced to make sure the damage was only superficial to the frame. But very shortly after we sold it and got a maclaren instead, to which I have never looked back!! Obviously this is just my opinion from our experience with it, but I personally wouldnt recommend the zapp at all
more baby jogger converts i see ;)

its stopped me buying more...

thats impressive for me huh
Im so glad ive seen this thread! I was about to buy a quinny zapp for my LO who is almost a year. I have an urban detour which i love, but its so hard to travel with becuase it is HUGE and weighs a ton! anyway, Ive been looking at the jogger now and it looks perfect! just what I needed... I think I need something that reclines becuase he always sleeps when we are out and about all day, and I would have struggled a bit with the zapp.

Thanks for the good advice!
flower said:
Im so glad ive seen this thread! I was about to buy a quinny zapp for my LO who is almost a year. I have an urban detour which i love, but its so hard to travel with becuase it is HUGE and weighs a ton! anyway, Ive been looking at the jogger now and it looks perfect! just what I needed... I think I need something that reclines becuase he always sleeps when we are out and about all day, and I would have struggled a bit with the zapp.

Thanks for the good advice!

You won't regret it! And the fold...... to die for lol :rotfl:

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