Quick update from me!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.
Just thought i would give u all a quick update.

Well as some of you will have found out in previous posts i have been having a few problems (wether its been an mc or other problem), Well i have stopped bleeding now which i am so pleased about because the tablets that i was prescribed were making me feel pretty ill and not to mention i was bleeding for 17/18 days altogether.

Well anyway i recieved my referrel letter on friday morning so i have to pick the hospital i would like to go to and make an appointment with the Gynecologist as soon as possible.... I was just wondering what they will do on my first appointment with them? I have not had any tests or anythin to do with ttc or anything even close to that so i am all a bit new to this and im just after a bit of advice.

Thanks in advance ladies.
Amy xxx
Afraid I have no advice but just wanted to say Im happy yoyr bleeding has stopped and that your getting to see someone! good Luck!
Hi Hun,

Well I have my second Fertility Gynecologist appointment on Tuesday, my first was pretty uneventful more or an initial consultation, no exam or anything, but I discussed my cycle history as in length etc, what my periods were like and my lifestyle, they said the were going to start me on Clomid to help me get pregnant.

Since my last appointment I have had a colposcopy(for a funny smear that turned out to be fine) and I had a phone call say instead of starting me on Clomid they might do a Laparoscopy first, where you have the camera through your belly button.

I had already had all the diagnostic tests to do with TTC at my docs but I expect that they will do them for you at the hospital now.

I haven't read all your other posts but I'll have a read now and see if I can offer any more advice..

Aw thanks for the replys and all the advise.... My posts should be easy enough to find :). Thanks again.. Amy xx
Hi Hun,

Just read your other post and caught up..

I would imagine from my experience you did in fact have a M/C, I have had one at 5 1/2 wks and one possibly 2, very early/chemical ones.

With my first the 5 1/2 week one I could certainly tell the difference from a normal period it was much heavier and much more painful, my legs and back really hurt and it lasted for 7-8 days rather than 4-5.

I can't remember my first chemical well but my last in Jan/Feb I wasn't sure about as I had very faint lines on my test that could have been an evap or something but when AF arrived I sure could tell that I was right and it was as I thought as my period was the same as my M/C with back leg and even bum pain!

Did the hospital do a urine pregnancy test? If so then the NHS only use 100miu pregnancy tests that aren't very sensitive, I had a blood test with mine and my HCG the day my bleeding started went down to 30 something miu, so a urine test that the docs use wouldn't have picked that up.

I would expect that one of the first things they'll do is an ultrasound to check the size of your womb and the lining thickness.

Would you say your periods are normally on the heavy side or was this unusual for you?

It's hard to say what will happen at the consultation but i'd go prepared to have some sort of internal examination of your vagina just incase.

They might also do some bloodworks andmight give you an ultrasound...

It really depends on how seriously they are taking it - i mean 18 days of bleeding is pretty much off the chart, even for a mc it's a lot more than usual considering that you couldn't have been that far along.
Hey again,

Thanks for reading up on my other posts..!
When i was in hospital they did do a pregnancy test and it was neg but this was nearly 2 weeks after the bleeding started and the hospital wasnt very helpful at all, He just gave me painkillers and sent me on my way... Its funny you should say about your legs hurting because (as i mentioned to some ladies on here) a day or 2 before i started bleeding i was very unwell in myself and was getting shooting pains in my legs, This might just be a coinsidence but it was so painful that it had me in tears.

My periods have always been 28/29 days without fail until last year when i totally skipped a period and since then my cycle lengths have varied a bit, (one month it was 36 days and then the next cycle after 26 days this bleeding started) so if anything when the bleeding started it was quite early. Also through my cycle i experienced a lot of spotting (before this bleed). But to ne honest since my periods have changed they are not heavy at all and only last about 5 days, Defo Never any longer than 7.

When i was in hospaital they said i had to make an appointment to see my GP, So a couple of days after that i got to see my doctor (he was so much more helpful) and he felt for my womb and things but he couldnt seem to feel anything so i am still so confused ?

Thanks ever so much for your help. It means alot. Amy xxx
Yeah to be honest the doctor had said that i was bleeding for far too long... Hence why they put me on them tablets to stop it. xx

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