Quick Question

I hope she stays away as well, cant wait too see you in 1st trimestor missgobby
took us around 6 months from coming off the pill hun. Good luck!
Ooh Miss G - hope so honey... :pray:

We got pregnant in the second month after I came off the pill.

Lunch time loving was our secret I reckon... great way to spend your lunch hour too :D just got to remember to brush your hair and put the same clothes on when you go back to work! :shock: :oops:
Well i was on the pill and we decided we would try for a baby so i stopped taking it .

We had been trying for about 3 years and nothing so i got sent to hospital for test they came back all clear it wasnt until i went for a scan that they found i had pcos.

But i was determined not to give up we tried everything lol sex in a certain position , eating certain foods believe me we tried it (sorry for tmi).

Then it began to really get to us that we had been trying for all these years and we were getting no where .

Each month i would do a pregnancy test and it would come back with the one thing i was dreading a BFN

I began to get it in my head that maybe i couldnt have kids and that it wasnt meant to be .

Because it was getting us down we decided to have a break from ttc and just try and enjoy life without the pressure of trying for a baby for a couple of months.

It wasnt until last november that i developed a rash on my face so we decided to go to the walk in clinic to get it checked out .

In the end i was prescribed with some antihistomens (sp?) but something in my mind was telling me not to take them and to do a pregnancy test .

In the end i didnt take the tablet and did a pregnancy test and sure enough it came back positive .

I can remember i just burst out crying and when DH asked what the matter was i just said im pregnant he had to ask me again as it hadnt sunk in .

When it finally did i didnt get no sleep as DH was too busy jumping around the bedroom lol .

The one thing i trying to put across more then anything is DONT give up it will happen in time hun its just it will happen when you least expect it too lol. :hug:
topbird said:
Ooh Miss G - hope so honey... :pray:

We got pregnant in the second month after I came off the pill.

Lunch time loving was our secret I reckon... great way to spend your lunch hour too :D just got to remember to brush your hair and put the same clothes on when you go back to work! :shock: :oops:

Wend, what a great story! So glad it had a happy ending :cheer:
3.5 years for our first little miracle (still think how lucky I am - we had started tests and going down the adoption route)...
18 months for our second miracle who is almost due now!! Double lucky!
Hope it really is good news for you this time, keeping everything crossed for you xx
I was told that my pill hadn't been working for the whole time I was on it (4 years) and that in effect I should have been pregnant a long time ago, and all I've had is a miscarriage which I didn't know about until it happened. They sent me for scans and couldn't figure out what was wrong, but they thought I couldn't have children. Bit scary to be told at 21...

They changed my pill and put me onto a lighter one, which made me feel less ill, while still wondering what was going on with my insides and looking into further tests.

2 months later, I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't planned, but was a complete shock to the system. We'd only been going out together for about 4 months, but we've been a much better couple since we've found out than we were before.

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