Quick Question


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Just wondering how long it took you all to get pregnant?
(persuming you were trying that is!)

i have been trying 6 months now and AF turned up today so just wanted to have a nosey and find out!!

Hope everyone is well :D
You poor thing, it must feel like forever! :hug: You'll get there.

I was lucky, I fell PG a month after coming of the pill, but lost due to MC. Then I fell PG again within 3 months.
But some people have waited years, so try not to get too stressed about it all.

Have you tried OPK's and all that jazz? Your OH is in the army, so I'm guessing he's away a lot?

Piglet xx
4 months although it felt like 4 years - we were planning for about 10 years before that. I was on magic medicine and EPO for that last month, and also started pilates and plannign a big summer holiday, and I also felt calmer and less obsessed (mainly becasue I was focussing on the holiday) - so thats my recommendation!
we wernt trying, but i was only with my partner 2 months..eeek!
we tried for 6 months the decided to stop as i was gettin really stressed and upset with it and also my sis had just told us she was pregnant by accident so i felt really down. i went on the pill for 3 months but we couldnt stop wanting a baby so decided to try again but not get too obsessed and just wait for it to happen. i waited for my first AF after pill as i had had a m/c before from conceiving too early after pill and that month we BD every nite :oops: and it worked lol.

your not going to like my response lol.

we were only trying for a month or so. i caught really quickly. i was shocked.

i hope it isnt too much longer for you hun :hug:
Opps didn't see this one here. I posted it in tri 2 but here it is again

We weren't trying for a baby infact I thought I was infertile!!
I had a serious infection a few years ago and was told that it would more then likely be impossible for me to ever have children.
I was put on the pill to try and calm down my heavy periods (they were so painful every month I used to puke up!!) but I came off it after a year because me and my OH thought that it was effecting our love life as I was never in the mood and I fell pregnant a month after coming off the pill which to me is a freakin' miracle! :cheer:
I came off the pill and didn't do the deed as much for the first 2 mths and then on the 3rd month we were at it like rabbits and bam, pregnant. Hope it doesnt take too much longer for you.
Hi hun

I fell pregnant with Kiara by accident i was on the pill :? (but was the best thing that ever happened) .
Then immedietly after we had her we decided to try but not try as we knew it could take a while so we just didnt use any pretection and i fell pregnant again when Kiara was 8 months :)
I think the harder you try the longer it takes, relax and have a night out and that might do the trick!! Good luck hun :hug:
me and my OH decided in about august to start trying and i was pregnant by october
I came off the pill around april time and I had a miscarriage in July, then one AF in september then fell pregnant next cycle and found out in october.

Was quite a shock, didn't think it would happen that quick!

Hiya it took me about 5 months and I tried everything going if he's not already get your OH on Zinc tablets they worked for us.
previous to this relationship i was married for 5 years. in this time we never used anything and nothing happened. i was so upset each month and resigned myself to the fact it would never happen and that there must be something wrong.
the marriage came to an end last year and have met a wonderful man now and within 7 months of us being together i was pregnant.
i believe it wasnt meant to be last time and now it is im so happy :D
it will happen when the times right :hug:
Your guna hate me miss gobby, this pregnancy, 2 weeks with help of ovulation calendar, got my dates bang on.
And first pregnancy was a 1 cycle job too. Im putting it down to luck

I really hope you and your fella get lucky soon x
when we did try.. i knew i was ovulating and i said to him in bed lets get pregnant... and i did straight away... but i ended up having a MC...

but this time after my period... i got pregnant.. even tho i tool the morning after pill :shock:

she's meant to be.

best of luck :wink:

Hi MissG :wave:

Took us 7 months, felt like a lifetime :roll:

Remember that dream I had about you at a christening? Keep the faith babes, it will happen :hug:
thanks girls for the info!! :D

shhh...but my so called 'period' stopped yesterday it was only when i wiped it was a pinky colour and then from then...NOTHING!!! But shhhhh....she may be on her way, must cross my legs make sure she cant get in :wink: :rotfl:
Agggh, don't tell us things like that Miss G! You've got me all excited!!!
Hope she stays away for you.......... xx

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