Questions and a moan!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
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Hi all sorry im moaning again.
My MIL is lovely and i really do get on with her but she insists on telling me how easy ive had it and how lucky ive been with the pregnancy. Its really winding me up because i really dont think so.
Its because i never had any sickness!!!!! Apparently that is the only pregnancy symptom which qualifies for a rough time! I cant remember the last time I slept through a night with out getting up at least 3 times not including just waking! Ive had a really bad back since about 26 weeks.....and its constant, my LO has been and is STILL content laying transverse and kicking my kidneys to bits. I have acid indigestion, edema, my skin is terrible......well the list goes on but needless to say I dont think im having it overly i over reacting? I know i havnt got it terrible but do you think im entitled to feel a bit sorry for myself?
Also has anyone got suggestions for acid indigestion, backache and lack of sleep?
And lastly.....i think i get braxton hicks....but i always thought they hurt, these dont they r just uncomfy, feels like someones just pumped my belly up with air and its really tight. I usually get them if ive done something a bit energetic??????
Oh fayebalina :( hope you feel better soon!

We all have our off days where we feel down and little things can upset us. Hopefully you'll feel better soon!
I have terrible acid too - i just drink alot of milk. I hate gaviscon cos it makes me gag but i find if i have a spoon full and quickly drink milk it's fine.

another good thing i've found is to have a food bag with cereal you like with you at all times and if the acid starts just eat a couple. It seems to keep it at bay for me a bit and means i'm not constantly eating huge amounts :roll:

more pillows at night help aswell. i have two for my head and one on each side of me (to support my back and my bump) i sleep better since i've been using them.

Hope some of this helps!
Sorry to hear your having a hard time. I would suggest going to the pool, not so much to swim but just to lol around and sit in the baby pool if you can. Jacuzzis are too hot but a wee pool with steps to sit on might be relaxing. The swishing motion of the water always helps me sleep that night and hopefully would release tention and pain in your back.

I know also what you mean about people saying you have had it easy. I always get told the I am lucky with my baby. She is very good natured, eats and sleeps well but like us all she has bad days and so do I and I feel that I cant complain as the mums dont believe me or think me ungratefull. If I have heard 'you wont get another like that' once I have heard it a thousand times. My current wee bean is tarred and feathered already.

Sometimes you would like someone to see things through your eyes.
Take care and please try the pool, let me know how you get on.


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