Just a moan!


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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Morning everyone

Well im 35 weeks now and feeling really down. I feel as though everything is against me. Im normally a level headed woman but pregnancy is just making me dizzy,,,,,,,,and tearful. Something which ive never been.

I feel so fat, cant even cut my toe nails! and my husband, who is wonderful, just wont come near me in the bedroom department! before pregnancy our sex life was fantastic, but now that all seems like a distant dream!

Im due to finish work in 3 weeks, but really want to finish now but dont know how to approach it with my boss!

Im also sure that im further on that the midwifes dates, and would really like to meet our little bundle of joy, (any ideas on how to get it come out! lol)

Sorry to bore you all............

Sam & Bump

Hello you
I can soooo sympathise with you. I have finished work because I've just moved up from Kent to Aberdeen. I was longing to finish work a few weeks back when the weather was so damn hot! Now we've moved I think I'm actually doing more work unpacking everything but at least i get to have a nap when i need one :lol:
My toenails are suffering too! Its like all of a sudden this last week i've become really cumbersome not sure why. I did have a full leg wax a couple of weeks ago which made me feel much better and I had a hair cut last week too to make me feel more feminine - would suggest you go ahead and do something like that, just a bit of pampering. Right now I could really do with a pedicure... (dream........)
Anyway I'm right there with you girlfriend! Have a chat with your boss, don't be scared, they would probably prefer you left earlier and kept yourself fit and well rather than working yourself into the ground.
Good luck with it all :D

Thanks for the reply. I think a good pampering sounds heavnly......just what I need.

You must take care, moving home is one of the most stressful things you can do, and with a big bump it must be a nightmare!

Im going to have a word and see if I can finish work next week, so fingers crossed.

Sam & Bump
Hey, just so you know, I am 32 weeks (33 tomorrow) and I feel the same way. Im so uncomfortable!!! It sucks. I feel like my insides cannot move to accomodate the baby anymore than they already have. And I feel like a tub of lard. Only a little while left though.....ughhh......Good Luck!!!
Hi sam i read in a magazine that certain things would help start labour if your body is ready they include, eating fresh pineapple, eating a curry, drinking raspberry leaf tea (my friend swore by this on both her pregnancies and had really short labours too) a long brisk walk, sex - apparently the semen contains some hormone which softens the cervix and sex also helps your uterus to contract (this one is true because i've ben told not to have sex as i've been having problems with my cervix shortening and my Dr told me about the semen and the activity) it might be worth trying some or all of these.

Have fun

Hi everyone

Thanks for your replys.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, i managed to do nothing! well apart from sunbathing and the odd chore which was really good. Im at work today, but think im going to have to admit defeat and start maternity leave pretty soon as im waddling around like a beached whale!

Very hot here, and little kicking hell out of me but apart from that, feeling fine this morning.

Has everyone else started maternity leave yet ???????

Sam & Bump

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