question for those who's babies have reflux

caz2008 said:
i give our son infacol it relives pain and helps them pass wind better, ive used it with my daughter too..and i find it to be very good you can use it from birth

We used Infacol too and it really helped. x
sounds like reflux to me too hon, demand to see a pead tho, through a and e or referral, gps are a bit crap when it comes to babies!

Isla is on IG, donperidone and omprezole for hers now and its helping although every bottle is still a battle as i feel she has developed a psycholgical fear of eating as it was 12 weeks before we got some proper help.

Has anyone actually found the cure for the psychological side, my mum has never seen a baby resist a bottle so much. I dont think she is in pain anymore as she used to look like she was fitting and is much more rested at night but HATES milk.

I have been trying to keep things changing so as to make her think its something different, have hundreds of bottles now!

Her feeding is the first thing to go when she is ill, she was in hospital last week getting tube fed with her bronchilitus

wondering if milk from a trainer cup might help, as well as early weening at 4.5 months...welll early according to the latest research...although this will probably change again :roll:
Just time sparky...!!

ONE thing I was lucky with, my sons such a porky pigglet that soon as it didnt hurt, he would wolf down the bottles :) FINALLY!!! You dont understand how good that was to watch - him drinking a bottle and stoping to look up at me and smile - I nearly died the 1st time!! :D :D

Anyways, I have been told that it is only time that will fix the phsycological side effects... eventually she will learn that the bottle dosent hurt anymore. Also, remember it can take 3/4 plus weeks for her osophogus etc to fully recover from the acid to make drinking totally pain free. I dont know how long its been... but I do hope she starts scoffing bottles soon!
Docs refused to give us anything for lil miss. I will say though my experience with reflux was slightly different though. lil miss was a booby baby and was always on the boob...then she'd start fussing and come off... so I'd sit her up to wind her, she'd scream this high pitched scream, then the entire contents of her stomach would literally fly from her mouth... she could get people sitting 4ft away... and it was all the time...the docs here agreed it was reflux... but wouldn't medicate unless she dropped off the weight charts or was over 6 months old.. at 4 months they just said to wean her as boob milk is too thin... then at 5 months I did because I was so sick of seeing lil miss in pain and the docs doing nowt... but it didn't really help.... at 6 months I demanded meds but I was back and forward to the docs so they were probably just sick of me... at first they gave here raitdine , which stopped her being sick.,... but she'd still scream in pain, and because she couldn't be sick, she was in more pain then they gave us omprezole and that did wonders but she was nearly 9 months old by then... so could have been the age.

She is still sicky though... thursday last week she emptied her entire stomach contents in the school play ground... :roll: it was everywhere...She was sick several times yesterday too...

its much better than the 20+ times a day when she was tiny...but you've just got to keep going back and going back and going back till someone just gets sick and tired of you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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