sounds like reflux to me too hon, demand to see a pead tho, through a and e or referral, gps are a bit crap when it comes to babies!
Isla is on IG, donperidone and omprezole for hers now and its helping although every bottle is still a battle as i feel she has developed a psycholgical fear of eating as it was 12 weeks before we got some proper help.
Has anyone actually found the cure for the psychological side, my mum has never seen a baby resist a bottle so much. I dont think she is in pain anymore as she used to look like she was fitting and is much more rested at night but HATES milk.
I have been trying to keep things changing so as to make her think its something different, have hundreds of bottles now!
Her feeding is the first thing to go when she is ill, she was in hospital last week getting tube fed with her bronchilitus
wondering if milk from a trainer cup might help, as well as early weening at 4.5 months...welll early according to the latest research...although this will probably change again