Question for the co sleepers


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2014
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Hi co sleepers

I'm curious to how and when you stop co sleeping?

My 6.5 month olds sleep has been getting worse and worse. She was waking every hour or two and wanting to come into my bed. I had been giving in at 5am for an hour or two but last night she was in all night. I really don't want to co sleep, I worry about her and I also need my space sleep.

It's getting to the point now where I'm just wondering if I should cave and co sleep permanently but I have no idea how id ever get her into her own room

Any ideas?
I was having issues with baby waking frequently during the night and wanting to be cuddling up to me all the time, not going down in crib etc

I think it would have been about 7 or so months I started to break the cycle after he crawled out of bed while I was asleep (eek).

It has taken til 10 months old to re-adjust his sleep pattern to be something sane that I can tolerate (last night he slept through from 7.30pm til 6am - we are almost at 11 months old now).

My advice would be to nip it in the bud if you're not planning on continuing to co-sleep in the long/medium term, otherwise you may end up struggling to settle baby etc.

At the age your baby is, you could potentially try the "pick up put down" method of sleep training that I've seen others mention on here.

I co-slept for the first 8 to 10 weeks and I now do it when my little boy is not well, maybe 1 or 2 nights every so often. After the initial 8-10 weeks we managed to get my little boy into his own crib and from then he moved up to his cotbed.

When I co-sleep now I always try and put him in his own bed first and see how long he lasts, he usually wakes later and then if I can't get him to settle then he comes into the bed with me.

I did have a period where I then found it hard to get him back into his own bed but once I knew there was nothing wrong (not Ill, not hungry, doesn't need changing) I let him cry it out abit and within 15 mins he was asleep. He was probably 18 months when I went through that.

My little boy is 21 months old now
Hi I started co-sleeping after my lo wasn't well at about 6 months. He is now 22 months old and still in my bed!! I must say though I love it and haven't even tried to put him into his bed yet!! I presume it will be really hard the longer they stay with you. Good luck in what u decide to di
Thanks for the replies

I have tried the pick up put down and controlled crying but neither has really worked. I decided last night to embrace the co sleeping for now and go back to the beginning and try to get her napping in her own room.

Lasts night she slept in her crib next to me until 1 and then I brought her into my bed and just tried to enjoy it. I really do worry about her getting squashed or getting too hot but for now I'm just going to go with it

Thanks again
I co-slept because my son lead me to wanting to co-sleep and thus he grew out of it himself.. He used to have the bed against ours which helped him get into ours much easier, too once it was lowered for safety.. Then we moved it against the other wall and now he has his sides off and it's turned into a toddler bed he's been staying in for the recent months.. Only recently tho.. He's nearly 2,5 now..

In regards in getting too hot, make sure all the bedding is out of the way and you cover yourself up to keep warm a little more instead of having to rely on the duvet, mother instinct usually helps to not squash baby and you'll also notice you're sleeping so light every little movement can wake you up.. make sure the sides of the bed are safe, baby should sleep next to mum and not inbetween or next to dad as dad doesn't naturally have that instinct..
My lo is 5.5 months and I've always co slept but need to stop- it's killing my hip and I'm just not sleeping now! She breastfeeds a couple of times in the night. I'd say don't start!! Any tips on how to stop would be great. My lo doesn't know how to go to sleep unless on boob or in car :(
I co slept with my lo till she was a year and I would do it again. I felt guilty the whole time but I wish I hadn't as there was nothing wrong with it. I made sure it was done safely and when she turned a year we put the cot at the end of hour bed and once we cracked that she went into her own room. She's an amazing sleeper and i truly believe co-sleeping made her that way.
Do what feels right and it will all work itself out x
I'd co slept for a couple of months as lo stopped settling in her cot. I spent 2 nights on the floor on a mattress in her room so I was still with her. Then I'd stay while she finished her drink, then for 2 mins then I just put her to bed and left her. It worked great. I think the not leaving for 2 nights really helped her feel safe in her room. We couldn't do cc etc as she just made herself sick :( x

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