Question About You OH

Rubys mummy said:
My OH isnt emotional at all, but Rubys birth was so amazing...I had been induced and ended up with a c section after 36 hours not progressing. OH hates hospitas, and he was white as a sheet coming into theatre with me.

I had asked midwife to let Lee tell me the sex of baby (we hadnt found out at scans), so as she was lifted from me, they called Lee to look, he gasped and said "Zo, theres a baby!!" His face was a picture, he was totally in amazement...the midwife was mouthing "A GIRL!!" to him, and I was shouting "What sex??!!", he just burst into tears and said "A girl!!". I had always secretly wanted a little girl so I was so delighted...I was shouting "Ruby, I love you Ruby!!" "Oh my God, I got my little girl!!" and OH was sobbing saying "I love you, I am so proud of you!!". Daddy got first hold, and he just sat silently grinning and dripping big fat tears all over her!! It was the most amazing feeling watching them both..I am all teary thinking of it now :rotfl:

He will kill me now for sharing this with you all :wink: :rotfl:

Awwww how lovely, you've got me all teary eyed now.

My DH shed a couple of tears, he was so overwhelmed by it all :D

I put no wasnt actually crying just ahd a wee bit of tears in his eyes
budge said:
mine didn't. I'd have slapped him if he had have done! i can't stand crying men!

:shock: Thats a shame, there is nothing wrong with a bit of emotion.
Naughty budge :shakehead:
i dont think he did, when i looked at him he had a huge smile and kissed me tho! :D
my OH cried when she was born but shortly after he said this

" i cant beleive you tucked me up with a girl"

blooming cheek i was to drugged up at the time to care though, only now is he realising that no matter how much he keeps looking she is going to stay a girl.

Nope mine didn't cry. Lydia got stuck so when she came out because her forehead had been stuck for a while they had to whisk her over to the table thing and waft oxygen over her because she was blue and not breathing.

It only took literally seconds before she did start breathing, there was nothing seriously wrong with her, but I think he just had a moment of panic so instead of crying he was like "oh god is she ok?"

My own dad came in just after she was born though, and he started crying saying "oh wow it's just like when you were born" to me lol.
He assures me that when I was born he bawled his eyes out lol.
Anders did a bit, so did I. It was an emotional moment :D
It'll be my mum that's with me when the baby is born. Not sure if she will cry as she's not really an emotional person!

Mind you, when I was born, she had to have an emergency section and she said that when I came out the ob was crying, the aneasthetist was crying, the two midwifes were crying and so was my she might just surprise me!

My poor Dad will be in the hallway of the same hospital as he was for my birth. He's very emotional and will be crying buckets!
my ex didn't cry at the birth but he cried when my heart stopped during the labour
Rob cried when Jordan was born bless him.

Macaulays dad didn't cry.......but he's an arsehole anyway LOL
My OH didnt cry but felt like he was going to because of the emotions, he said it was abit inapropraite concidering I was the one going thru all that pain :lol:
Yup, mine's one of the 'cry at the scans' blokes too.

I think he was weeping with relief that the four day ordeal was over!! :lol:

I had LOTS of drugs, but he had nowt, bless him.
no cause i had an emergency c section and was put completely under so he wasnt allowed in but im sure if he had been there he would have cried :cry:

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