Question about regulating hormone changes.. Can anyone advise/relate?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Hi Ladies, just be interested to know any opinions on this if anyone knows or has gone through the same thing?

I came off bc in Jan and since then cycles have been all over the place (still not right) so I'm waiting it out a bit longer as I hear it can take up to 2 years coming off bc for your body to go back to normal!!

Anyway for a whole year my skin has been terrible with a capital T, I felt like a teenager again with so many spots. Anyway in the fortnight I've noticed my skin has cleared up, for the first time in almost a year! Obviously I am over the moon but I just wondered if this is a sign that my hormones are going back to normal?

My last cycle lasted 40 days, it's been almost 40 again with no signs of af so I think my af is going to go AWOL again :-( so just needed some advice and reassurance I guess.

Thanks ladies :) xxxxx
Hey hun, I didn't want to read and run. It seems as though ur body might be starting to sort itself out but if I were u, I'd speak to a doc to try to get ur cycles regulated. The pill hormone should be out of ur system by now xx

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
Hi Jayjay027, thanks for replying :)

I have thought about going to the docs but I just want to wait a bit longer to see if my hormones regulate in the next few months, I don't want to be wasting her time if all she says to me is wait (plus as my name suggests, I get really anxious about doing things like that if it's not necessary)

I guess I'm just really scared that if I do go that she might tell me there's something wrong with me and I can't have children, so I'm trying to hold it off for as long as possible if you get what I mean.

Oh goodness I sound so pathetic! No wonder I'm not a mum yet :-( x
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U don't sound pathetic at all! But if (heaven forbid) there is something wrong, wouldn't u rather know so u can get it sorted asap?
And u won't be wasting her time, its her job to help u out and u have a legitimate reason for wanting to see her.
If she says its normal and to wait a few months, at least ull know. But if she thinks something may be wrong, ull be on the path to finding an answer and having ur baby xx

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

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