question about fanny tests tmi alert apologies


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i ordered a repeat prescription of my contraceptive pill and the docs said i needed to see the nurse first, so i made an app which was yesterday. she asked how it was and i told her i was bleeding while taking them so she said i should get swabs done, i could do them right then or make another app. well i'd rushed around gettin millie ready and had waited over half hour in the waiting room so i thought the fewer appointments the better, get it over with.

now iv had swabs before, and they hurt a bit, like smear tests. when she first went down there she seemed to whisper "oops" or something and wipe with her finger, i presumed maybe there was a bit of goo falling out :puke: :oops: :lol:
and she did the swab and it didnt hurt at all i hardly felt it.

2 hours later at home i went to pee and realised i'd put a tampon in, and forgotten about it! so now i realise the wiping she did was moving the string out of the way haha! i didnt think u could do tests with tampons in, now im thinking what if she was embarrassed or couldnt be arsed waiting for me to go remove it so she didnt do the test properly.

as of course i'd like to kno if something comes back i dont want false negative results else it will go untreated whatever it may be :?

i am kinda paranoid coz my boyf and i were both treated for chlamydia several years ago, but we had one accident during the course of antibiotics and last year i found out i still had it in the worst possible way- melissa had caught it! this time i cant remember if we were good or not, i think we were but even so im still worried that im still not cured, maybe the antibiotics were immune the second time or something.

what do u think did she do the swab right? i dont wanna go asking for another one they'd think im a perv or summink lol
whhooopppss at leaving the tampon in, id maybe ring n ask to speak direct with her ask if she was able to get a proper swab

If you definitely had a tampon in, I can't see how she could have done the swab correctly :think: Weird! I'd query it if I were you hun :hug:

Good luck with the results too flower (the correct ones btw :roll: )
:rotfl: sorry trix.. what u like u silly sod!

i think she would /can only test the vaginal mucus..and not scrape? so if there was room she would have taken some.. if she coudlnt do it she would have said can you nip to the loo and take the tampon out.. surly she wouldnt have expected you to have sat in the waiting room without one in??

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