question about af


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
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hi all, sorry i have not been about too much, am feeling a bit down about waiting now! its killing me already, i am just trying to think that at least when we do have a baby life will be much more organsied :wall:

i just have a question about af, i am soooo heavy it is stupid! i am changing a tampax hourly i spent most the night at work running backwards and forwards to the loo. i was like this years ago which was why i went on the pill but i dont know if i can cope with this for another 8 months till we prperly start to try!!!! hubby said he didnt want me to go back on the pill and i certainly dont from the point of ttc (he also said i am a different person on the pill!) but i am wondering if you girls know of anything that can help with heavy af's? maybe a natural remedy?? sure its a long shot but thought i would ask
I don't, sorry. Just wanted to give you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

also, why not wear a sanny towel at night as well so you're not constantly getting up?

hope the waiting is going quite quickly for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi hun
if they are very heavy i would recommend a trip to ur gp. they will probably do a scan to check there is nothing wrong with ur womb/ovaries. found this online: Many times there is no particular cause to be found. Sometimes a structural irritation in the womb is to blame, such as a quite common condition where there are localized areas of overgrowth of the muscle wall of the womb (fibroids or fibromyomas)
The doctor may also arrange a blood test to check for anaemia, and possibly for other tests such as thyroid and the reproductive hormones. make sure u mention that u are wanting to ttc soon and that u do not want to go back on the pill. it is probably just normal for u but it is best to make sure now so that u don't have problems when ttc. good luck
Did you def ovulate last month? I have read that a heavy period can be a sign of anovulation.
thanks girls,

rose- i am wearing them 24hrs a day! (very comfy not!)

I think i might try seeing what the gp has to say. i nearly fainted at work today so thats not good at all! :wall: :wall:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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