Question about 20 week scan - finding out the sex


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Does anyone go to a hospital where they won't tell you the baby's sex at all? I'm attending the Whittington in London but my cousin who went to Watford General was told she would not be told the sex of her baby (now born) because some women abort girl foetuses. How common is it that the hospital won't tell you the sex? Just want to know as I will probably get a private scan done otherwise. Thanks!
i know Aberdeen hospital doesnt tell you the gender, luckly the hospital i go to does tell you (i made sure i asked the midwife at my 12 week scan).

I thought the not telling was more to do with the fact that its just in fact a guess by the sonographer and never 100% accurate. I can imagine the problems caused if they tell you its one gender and turns out to be the other :shock: !
I'm not sure but when I went for mine she wasnt going to tell me and didnt offer to check. I said "So its a boy then?" and the mood changed and she said how do you know that?
Not sure if I was supposed to ask at the start or whether their policy is not telling now. I had a private scan a couple of weeks before hence why I knew but I didnt tell her that ;)
At my hospital they only changed their policy a few months back to allow to tell you, for years you have not been able to find out if you went to bradford royal infirmary. It was publicised it was due to alot of muslim's wanting boys, so aborting when it was a girl - dont know how true that is though
I believe that the not telling you policy is down to the fact that the scan is primarily to check the baby's health and development. You can understand why as some people are so concerned with the gender rather than what is really important. I obviously found out the sex though at my hospital! :D
I know someone who recently went for a scan in notts...They wouldn't tell her, it was a highly asian populated area so she thinks thats why...I know thye tell you at our hosp as my neighbour had her baby a few months ago and found out
They told me in derby..i asked at the start and the lady was fine with checking for me :D :cheer:
they seemed only happy to tell me, only if you make it clear you are sure you want to know though!!

hope it works out ok.
I find it infuriating when they won't tell you just because some asians abort girls (sorry not meaning to sound racist) but I am white/British, it's my country and I should have the right to be told if I want to know and not stopped because of another race.

When I had my son I went to the awful Northwick Park Hospital where they won't tell you but until I found out I was having a boy, I went to Hillingdon as I asked about beforehand where would tell and where wouldn't. I am staying with Hillingdon this time as it's not more local to me and a great hospital so this time I won't have to worry.

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