Girls, i am having a lot of pain discomfort today, but really high up across the centre of my tummy, not really where baby is - blaaadddy hurts - any ideas??? Feels like stretching but above my belly button?? Any of you experience this???
Yer... sounds like stretching to me... You'll get a lot of it in this Tri because the baby is growing so much in size, but in the 3rd tri it tends to slow down because your baby's just putting on fat rather than doubling in length every few weeks as your baby is doing in this Tri.
Thanks guys
sorry to be a bit of a hypo, its just that i'm used to lower stretching / periody type pains but this is quite high up, by my ribs. Is it too early for my round muscles?? to be parting???
I've got a lot of pain and discomfort at the moment in the bottom of my stomach, just as I did in Tri 1. I've never had anything higher than my belly button yet though. Do you think it could be trapped wind?
Knowing me Debbie...absolutely!!! It feels like i have done loads of sit ups...which i absolutely haven't but i did wake up on my stomach this morning and its been bad since then. still on plus side...hubby is waiting on me hand & foot today!!!!
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