Quad Test Results


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
I've been really worried about having a baby that is a high risk of Down Syndrome (or indeed any of the other syndromes tbh). I know age is a factor; I will be 40 a month before baby is born. Im also overweight which I think is a factor.

I was gutted when at the 12 week scan they werent able to do a nuchal fold test as baby wasnt co-operative so they referred me for the quad blood test at 15 weeks. I know this isnt as accurate at the nuchal plus blood test too. After 2 loooong weeks I finally had my letter giving me my results. They say my individual Down syndrome risk is for this pregnancy is 1:2300.

Im happy that they say its low risk, but I thought my age alone would make me higher and its another 3 weeks until I go for my 20 week scan at which point I will be able to speak to the consultant. I just wish I knew how accurate this test is likely to be, or whether whoever did the test didnt realise my age. :?
That's a really low risk. Although they dud manage to measure nuchal fold with me my results came back at something like 1:550 risk.

My hospital don't consider you at higher risk until you get 1:150 as a result

Try not to worry x
That's a very low risk result. I wouldn't worry.
Just because ur nearing 40 and a little heavy, doesn't mean something will automatically be wrong.
I'd be very happy with those results x

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being an older mum doesnt always cause complications.
be happy with the results xxx
Thanks girls. Ive calmed down a little now about it. I dont think I will stop worrying about it fully until I am holding baby in my arms really, but Im trying not to let it worry me too much.
Hi Violet, my odds were 1:106 - I'm 38 - and I chose to have a CVS even though these odds are not massively high and everything was fine. I'm sure with 1:2300 you have absolutely nothing to worry about hun. Just relax and enjoy xx

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