Pure orange overdose


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

OMG, my mum had this MAHOOOOOOOOOSIVE carton of pure orange, and so i had a lil glass, but it was so nice and i kept having more and more...

I drank over a litre of the stuff, i feel sooo sick now

but it was nice :lol:
:rotfl: you daft cow!

you'll be shitting through the eye of a needle tomorrow
budge said:
:rotfl: you daft cow!

you'll be sh*tting through the eye of a needel tomorrow

But it was gooooooooooooooooooooooooood orange :D

God my stomach is doing somersaults :puke:
i bought a carton of that expensive juice the other day (can't remeber the name of it) and i could have drank all that too. i love it - esp from the fridge icey cold
Im the same with orange juice it is too nice!

In all seriousness, you can OD on VitC so while what you drank is nowhere near enough to be dangerous.....it would explain why you feel ill now!

Hope your stomach settles down soon!
I was poorly for a couple of hours last night...

but this morning im fineeeeee

Weres that orange... :dance:
Lol my OH said that ages ago on a road trip one of his friends drunk a 3L bottle of blackcurrant juice and had severe stomach pains for the next day. Yep too much vit C is a baddd thing, would be all the liquid as well lol. Glad you're feeling better today :cheer:
I always do that over christmas - I'll; have a satsuma and then think ooh that was nice I'll have another...

I'm all through a packet and then my stomach sorta gurgles a bit and I think ooh sh*t I forgot about the orange pains...

But I'd go and do it all again anyway just for the orangy goodness

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