punches actually in your pubic area ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Anyone else get these

I mean basically I feel movements 'below' my bump where the pubic hair grows, I figure this must be babies head but feels as if could be punches ?

Is this not a bit low, she is only cm from my lady parts?

Also, I actually tried to feel my cervix and it is very shallow, did not take any effort at all to insert an evening primrose capsule. The only thing
is because of this sex hurts as I said in another post my hubby is not a small man and it was uncomfortable, anyone else got this due to a low cervix.

I hope this low cervix is a good sign....no plug or show or anything of that kind
I get movements in my pubic area but they feel like jolts rather than punches :think:
O I get these. Since ages back. First it was feet before LO turned head down at 28 weeks. Since then its been punches, shoves, headbutts.... you get the picture. I feel it right in my bottom and pubic area. What is really disconcerting is when I get that and at the same time get a kick and a wriggle higher up. My entire tummy feels alive and I squeak as its often not comfortable :roll:
Sounds like baby could be engaged :D It is a good sign things are moving in the right direction. No guarantee that labour will start in the next few days though.

I haven't got that yet, I think Logan is still high up, my cervix is still too high to feel and I'm still getting bad heartburn.
I'm jealous! :lol:
YES i get this i had it a few hours ago its realy a strange sensation as it is so low down collier no longer jumps on my bladder but on my lady bits
i also get what feels like prodding pinching feelings now that's uncomfortable

its as if he's investigating the way out :think:

sarah :wave:
he he

sherlock - yes I have had the full stretch and it made me jump.

I can't believe her head could be that low or punches though, just seems bizarre it takes so much pain and effort to get them out.-

MM - oooh don't be jealous, she goes up and down and as you say if she has engaged there is no guarantee she wil arrive soon, I might have to put up with these movements for another 4 weeks yet if she is overdue.

I am not even getting increased discharge and all cramps have stopped.
I get this too and it feels weird! Sometimes I get a sudden movement almost like a startle where I get booted suddenly and his or her head grinds RIGHT against my pelvis. Eek!
I feel wriggly movements down there too. Know what you mean about pain and effort to get them out! It only seems like a few inches!
Ginnymarie said:
he he

sherlock - yes I have had the full stretch and it made me jump.

I can't believe her head could be that low or punches though, just seems bizarre it takes so much pain and effort to get them out.

I think I feel mostly the head right down there now. I tend to feel fisticufs slightly to the sides now. Real wriggles there to, almost like shoulders. And when LO turns from side to side :shock: I can feel and see back and bum go from one side of my tummy to the other and the sensation lower down is bizzare. Almost like a grinding :?

Must go see if I can find my cervix sometime soon also. Last seen oooo about 7-8 months ago heading north. Hopefully now on a return trip south :rotfl:
Yes I've had this too. I was lying in bed the other night and thought I felt a punch there but thought there was no way she could be that low down! So I put my hand just where my pubes are about 1.5 inches from my ladybits and sure enough felt several really strong punches. Its quite unnerving!

As for the cervix thing I can't help as I'm too squeamish to even go there! :puke:
Yes, I've felt movement that low down and my baby isn't engaged yet. I've felt that on and off for weeks, it's normal, although it can feel alittle unsettling at times :roll:
I get this too im hoping shes engaged i find out tomorrow so fingers crossed. :pray:

glad it is just not me, thanks for responses

bloom - i find out thur if she is engaged, let me know tommorow for you

I get wriggly movements down there too some days it feels as though baby is burrowing away!!!

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