sore pubic bone :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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For the last week I've had a sore pubic bone that feels like I hav been kicked in the fuffle! Really uncomfortable and I find myself waddling to ease the pain and I'm not even 30 weeks gone yet :-(

I am not seeing the midwife till next week and I wonder if anyone else has had this and what is causing it? It can't be baby engaging cos I think she is head up at the moment.

i really don't know, sorry. I didn't want to read and run.. If it hurts to much then give the midwife a call and ask for advice.. Hope you feel better x
Could it be to do with the weight of baby bump?? Does it help to hold bump up as you walk?
I haven't had this sort of pain but my colleague did and she found a bump support band really helped.
This is like what I have, feels like someone's kicked me in the vajayjay but only on one side though! I think it's the pressure of baby tbh because baby's engaged since 33 weeks for me lol.
Yeah i had it on the left side at about 30 weeks. It went for me after a few days, nothing to worry about, very common.
yup i have had it for almost 10 weeks.. like a horse kicked me between my legs and im really bruised.. it comes and goes tho and get worse when i have had an active day x
Yes it is on the one side only. Looks like it's nothig to worry about and I'll wait till next week to mention it to mw. I'll call her if it gets worse but it's bearable at the mo. Thanks guys!
Sounds to me like SPD!

Eeeeeeeeekkkkk noooooooooooo! God I hope not! I can still cross
my legs and do the dirty deed with OH so it's hopefully just weight of baby on my fuffle.
I have had it for ages. The midwife said due to hormones your are more flexible. Your hips will be moving lots more and causing the front of your pelvis to move and rub together. You need to make sure you keep your legs together, stop walking up and down the stair so much and generally not move around so much. She also recommended tying a pashmina around your hips for support. It is prob where the head is beginning to get into place in the pelvis. I also get period types pains because of this.

Feeling like my pelvis has been split (like a wish bone). Anyway, that is what I have been told. It is called something SPD like Snappykat said I think.

Let us know how you get on.

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