Pulsating vagina/cervix help WTF????


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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What the hell is this??? As you all know what's going on with me I have never had this before my vagina/cervix has been pulsating/throbbing for a while now so what the bug???? What is this???????

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Is it painful, or just wierd?

I keep getting a wierd feeling in that area which feels like feeling my own pulse, don't know if it could be baby pressing against a vein or something, it seems to go away if I'm move about.

How you feeling otherwise after the week you've had?
Still the same in pain all my vagina is swollen now so I'm thinking it's prob just pressure x
Hey hon, is it worth calling the midwife to check - sure it's nothing bit just thinking after the week u have had? x x x
I'm sure it's nothing just been on the phone to me mam and she said it's very common just increased blood flow during pregnancy specially if I'm
All swollen up and my nan and auntie agree so I'm happy now lol x

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sounds like it might be varicose veins in the vulva.
What ever it was it's gone now lol!!! And my vagina swelling has too but thinking about it I did have a rather hot bath lol stingy hahahahaha!!! Just when I got over my embarrassment to post it lmfao!!!!
Bloody hell Evie you've got it all goin on avnt ya haha!! Xx
I keep getting that but not painful - my self diagnosis is buns with hiccups pressing down on it. X
Nar this was def me not bubs haha! The pulsating wasn't hurting just weird feeling it was the hot bath that was stingy but oh so nice! Lol!!!

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