
Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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I went to see a psychic in June, Id been to see her previously and a few things on what she said had come true, she said id be getting married ( didn't believe her, but i did) she told me what kind of dress id be getting, what I have in my hair. She said that my best friend would be driving around america with a german shepard! Guess where my friend is on her honeymoon now lol! And they just found a stray german shepard.

Went back to see her a year later and she brought up some stuff she had said previously , She said we would be moving to a coastal area and rent a bungalow... We moved to cornwall a month a go and rented a bungalow lol!
she also said id be pregnant in 4/5 months with a boy!

Im not usually a massive fan of psychics, but my friend had been to see her and was spookily spot on with her, inc telling her she was 6 weeks pregnant with a baby girl.... She took a test that day as she was!

So 4 months is next month!
If thats the bit she's lied/ got wrong ill be pretty pissed off haha!

Who else has been to see one ?
Fantastic. Id love to see one. But you never know the fakes from real ones x
I only went to her, because I had heard so many good things about her from friends! She had been spot on ,
Plus she's the typical crazy psychic lady who smells of dog wee! haha!
I had a reading in 2014, they said conception would be within 16 weeks. So a bit wrong as it has been over two years since that reading!
I read my own runes and tarot cards but haven't done it for AGGGGES! This post prompted to me to go and pull a rune from the bag and I got one associated with fertility and birth! So I am feeling confident for this clomid cycle now :D
I also read tarot for others (never for myself). I've been told that I'll be pregnant late this year/start of next year. More likely Jan-Feb time. On one hand I put a lot of stock in it, on the other hand I don't. It very much depends on who the reader is consulting.

My sister read tarot cards, when I was younger she said I'd have a problem with walking or something like that, within a few months I had to go for an x ray on my foot, because it hurt to walk!
Might ger her to read again lol.
There is an amazing one where I live I went to see her the beginning of July she told me it was time I let go of the baby I lost thru my ruptured ectopic in April last year and the reason me and my partner hadn't conceived was due to me still holding onto him and that I needed a lot of healing so she did this healing on me (the most freaky thing I have even witnessed) she then told me that September was my month I'd be pregnant and would have a girl.I thought ye ok then anyway I'm currently 7w3d had early scan baby in the right spot so yep I totally believe in them so long as u find a good genuine one :) will find out if she's right with the sex in time :) xxx
Awwww thats lovely! Where is she?
Id love to find a good one round here.
Ive just moved xx
My friends family all went to one last year. And they told her they saw a baby in the very near future. Her boyfriend and she were not TTC and never did. But low and behold she now has a newborn.

Never been to one myself id be scared they'd tell me something I don't want to hear.
Oh wow. Lovely stories. Love reading things like this.
Think I'm gonna look into going to see one! Xx
My reading was from a lady in Lancaster, Lancashire. I love seeing psychics xx
I need to find one down here, Id love to see if they match up x

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