*proud mummy post*


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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I am constantly amazed at what Ella learns each day!

not only has she cut two teeth in a week without any crying or waking in the night - she hasn't even had any bonjela on her gums bless her (I had no idea they were coming through!!)

she has learnt how to wave when you say hello or bye bye, she claps her hands if you do it first, she is going from sitting to crawling position and is saying mumma and dadda! also she is walking around properly when I hold her hands and she can stand for a few seconds before falling!

everything seems to have come at once!!

although I am proud of her I want her to slow down a little bit, they really don't stay babies for very long do they!!!

sounds like she is doing so well!

I have noticed a massive change again in the past week or so! Will is also clapping his hands when we say 'clap handys' aww i love it so much!! he has been able to stand with his weight on his feet but would drop if he had no support at all, looking forward to him being able to stand for a few seconds too :love:

Aww bless him, I suppose around this age is the time they start to do everything isn't it! I could cry when I look at her now and think back to how much she has grown

I think she definitely has her own little personality now, it's lovely to see!
yeah it really is amazing to see them changing in front of your eyes. I said to my OH last night that is sad to think these moments will only ever happen once with Will, i wish i could keep him this exact age forever x
Awww yay i think it's great but so sad too what happened to our newborns??


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