Proposed breastfeeding law.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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The Goverment have proposed a law, that gives a women the right to breastfeed in public with out having the fear of being asked to move on.

If the law is passed it will mean that it will be illegal for someone to ask you to leave because you are breastfeeding.

The same law has been inplace in Scotland for a couple of years, and caused a bit of contraverty at the start but has now been welll accepted.

Personally as a breastfeeding mum that is still going strong, This is a law I'd love to see passed, and could be a great benefit to help rid of some of the sigma breastfeeding mums get in public.

Was just going to post this :)

There's a link here:

Another thing the government could do would be to increase the length of time people can have on maternity leave so that mums can have time to introduce solids to baby before they go back to work but still allow for the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.
I heard this on the news this morning.

I think its great. I cant understand why people find it so offensive in the first place. Its the most natural thing in the world.
gingerpig said:
Was just going to post this :)

There's a link here:

Another thing the government could do would be to increase the length of time people can have on maternity leave so that mums can have time to introduce solids to baby before they go back to work but still allow for the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.

They have already increased maternity leave to 9 months
Personally I think some of the people that are against are most likely people that have never actually (or not Known they have) seen a women breastfeed or if they have, have seen the very small percentage of BF mums that don't try to be discrete and just get it out and leave themselfs all on show.

which lets face it most of us try not to do unless some has pee'd us off :D .

Or they are the men that are looking far to much at your breasts anyway so are bound to notice :rotfl:

Princess_Puddles said:
gingerpig said:
Was just going to post this :)

There's a link here:

Another thing the government could do would be to increase the length of time people can have on maternity leave so that mums can have time to introduce solids to baby before they go back to work but still allow for the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.

They have already increased maternity leave to 9 months

Oh cool I didn't know as I don't work but assumed it was less as I know a few mums who feel guilty about starting to wean their babies at 4 months so that they can return to work.
I dont understand what the big deal is tbh
I mean is feeding a baby!! why would it cause offence?
That's good news.
But, I think I would be too shy to breastfeed in public, am thinking of expressing the milk to take outdoors.
OopsyDaisy said:
That's good news. But, I think I would be too shy to breastfeed in public, a thinking of expressing the milk to take outdoors.

I agree with that. I'd breastfeed at home but I'll be expressing milk into bottles for daytrips or outings etc. I just couldn't imagine whipping out a boob infront of strangers to feed, I know it's natural and so forth but I guess I'm just shy in that respect. Completely agree with the law though, it's well overdue.
Im kinda shy m,yself about whipping my bosoms out but intend to practise at home with muslim cloths and shawls etc, before i venture out there to feed my LO if i BF
i think i'd be too shy to do it on, say, a public bench facing the street, but if i found a little hiding place, like a discreet bench in a park, with just a few people around, i probably would. a mum's gotta do what a mum's gotta do!
laetitia85 said:
i think i'd be too shy to do it on, say, a public bench facing the street, but if i found a little hiding place, like a discreet bench in a park, with just a few people around, i probably would. a mum's gotta do what a mum's gotta do!

Me too that's what I do!

I think it's bad we have to worry what people think all the time :(

I always said I'd express if I was going out but to be honest now I think it's too much messing about just to make other people feel better as I struggle to express! Brody prefers boob to bottle and why should I not give him what he wants?
(it's also easier and I'm lazy! :lol: )

I always choose somewhere quiet, not because I think it's wrong to breastfeed in public-the opposite in fact, but just because I don't want people seeing my boobs! :lol:
That's great news! I thought I'd be shy about feeding in public but the first time I needed to I was quite happy to feed him. I fed him in the library yesterday because he was starting to grumble & I thought that was more likely to disturb people than me feeding him in a corner!

I was very shy at first but once you get the hang of it works out great!!
I never knew they were able to kick you out for BF i would of freaked out its crap :twisted: whats this world coming to :x
This is brilliant :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Ladies come to the breastfeeding chat on wed, I promice you it really isnt that bad after the first try out in public :D I used to use a shawl to cover up but now im not really botherd :)

There are nursing rooms in some superstores, Mothercare has one here :D and its lovely

I know I was the same too, lol I was going to express and take some out, but lol its too much hassle sterilizing bottles and expressing, youll see ! I bet withing a month or so youll be whippin them out :lol: :wink:
I sat and breastfed my daughter once in McDonalds, with a McBacon butty in one hand, Merry propped up on the other arm. I was hungry, she was hungry - she needed feeding, so I fed her. If anybody had asked me to leave, law or no law, I would have refused, let them call the police or whatever they wanted to do, then gone to the papers! :evil:

Nobody is gonna stop me feeding my LO this time round either :twisted:
Meezie said:
I sat and breastfed my daughter once in McDonalds, with a McBacon butty in one hand, Merry propped up on the other arm. I was hungry, she was hungry - she needed feeding, so I fed her. If anybody had asked me to leave, law or no law, I would have refused, let them call the police or whatever they wanted to do, then gone to the papers! :evil:

Nobody is gonna stop me feeding my LO this time round either :twisted:

Good on you! :clap:
Meezie said:
I sat and breastfed my daughter once in McDonalds, with a McBacon butty in one hand, Merry propped up on the other arm. I was hungry, she was hungry - she needed feeding, so I fed her. If anybody had asked me to leave, law or no law, I would have refused, let them call the police or whatever they wanted to do, then gone to the papers! :evil:

Nobody is gonna stop me feeding my LO this time round either :twisted:

Exactly - it would be terrible publicity for any business especially now! It does get so much easier breastfeeding in public, and once you get used to hiding your nips behind your babies head, you're sorted! I never thought I would feel as comfortable as I do now, as I've said before my deb feeding boobs are huge but it really does work ok.
OH and I were talking about this the other day and he said that he sees nothing wrong with women breastfeeding in public, but if he sees one he feels uncomfortable....purely because if he has looked he doesnt want the woman to think he is perving!

Men :roll: :rotfl:
The amount of admiring glances my boobies are getting atm anyway, a few more wouldn't bother me lolol. Sorry I'm becoming obsessed :oops:

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