Problems with avent teats

First time mum

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Hi Girls

Was hoping for some help and advice.

My Alexa is just coming up to 3 weeks old (she was 5 weeks prem), she is doing well and loves her bottle.
However, we are using avent teats and bottles and we have already had problems with the teats, we have had about 4 or 5 which have just leaked all over when she is trying to feed - I change the teat and then she's fine.

Has anyone else had problems with avent teats, any suggestions? She is on the 1st stage ones.
yeah i never liked avent bottles because of the way they leaked.
I found tomee tippee ones with Oliver and never looked back at avent!
We just managed to get away with it I think, although I did find the bottles leaked not so much the teats. I know Boots own ones fit Avent bottles ok and we've bought those too and they've been ok.. also TT ones but they're not so good with Avent bottles.. :)
We used them with expressed breast milk for 8 months with no problems but now she is on formula they leak! I think it is caused by some of the powder or water being on the rim so they don't seal properly. Now we always shake carefully to mix, undo the top then screw it back on and that works.
Yeah we've noticed that avent bottles/teats leak a little but since changing from dr brown bottles (it took him ages to get used to avent) so we're just sticking with them for now.
Thanks for your replies

I had a nightmare last night with her, she had a feed at 2am and 6am and 10am this morning and on every feed I had problems, its like she spits it out when I first give her the bottle and I have to mess around with the teats and take the lid on and off for about 20 mins - not much fun when you have a screaming, hungry baby!

I am thinking of switching to TT as I have some free bottles and may just go for it and switch completely - what do you think?
Joe didnt like the avent teats so I bought mam teats and they fitted the avent bottles fine.
I will try the mam teats then - thanks
I have noticed she has a sucking blister on her top lip - do you think this is adding to the problem. ALso as she was premature she was on the prem teats in hospital and now on stage 1 avent - do you think this maybe too fast for her?

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