Problem with my dog.. someone help with info?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I am going to google it but always find this place good to get advice.

My dog was just sat on the sofa beside me. He jumped up quickly and I looked and at first thought something had spilt but then realised it was pee from the dog. He really didn't look like he'd done it intentionally. Obviously i'm going to book him in at the vets but I wondered if anyone had any idea what it could be? He's only 2 1/2 so not old or anything :(
was he in any pain?
my guess would be urine infection or blockage somewhere or kidney stones or he had a bad dream :hug: :hug: :hug: let us know what it is.i hope hes ok :hug:
Was he asleep? As I know some dogs can wet the bed when dreaming just like humans can. He seems a bit young to have other problems like prostate trouble so I'd guess it was just that which is why he jumped up so quickly. Bless him! x
Aw bless him, I think he probably was dreaming but get him checked out just incase :hug: :hug:
Danny does this sometimes lets a pee out when hes dreaming - it does happen! but if he seemed in pain or exuding any other strange behaviour then take him to the vets for the reasons listed above sweetie :)

Bless him though - im sure it was a accident!
My Lab has slight bladder incontinence, she has had it since she was 2. She is on meds from the vet, I think its called urilin (sp) which totally control it. With Cara it wasn't full pee's she was doing, she would get up & I'd notice a small puddle where she was lying. If it happens again take him too the vets. :hug:
Thanks girls :hug: I'm going to keep an eye on him over the next day and if it happens again I shall take him to the vets. He seems happy and normal within himself so maybe it was just like most of you said and he had a bad dream. I never knew that could happen :lol: less him, Have spent ages scrubbing my sofa and flipped the cushion over... I hope it doesn't smell from it :puke:
awwwww bless he was probably as shocked as you 2yr old lab did the same thing before xmas and it was a urinary tract infection antibiotics soon sorted him.hope your doggies ok im sure he will be. :hug: what sort of dog is he?ooo and you can get pet odour and stain remover from pets at home.i dont know if it works on fabric but ive used it on my carpet and it was good.
He's a shih tzu! Called Gizmo :lol: He's lovely. I have some 1001 I have used on sofa but going to get some odour remover and give it another scrub too. :)
I'd defo take him to vets to get him checked as thats a typical sign of a water infection so worth checking just incase as they can get nasty if they go untreated :hug: :hug: x
awww hope he is ok :hug:

Are you sure it wasn't a sex wee? :think:

Sorry, couldn't help myself :oops:

He sounds too young to be incontinent so maybe like others have said he was either dreaming, (nothing sexy) or he has a little bladder infection. Is he drinking more than usual? I know dogs can leak wee when they are excited but if he was just sat on the sofa then I don't know hun :think: What were you watching? :think: Sorry sorry sorry, I'm being silly again :oops: Somebody slap me please!!!!

Like you said just keep an eye on him hun :hug:
HC.. I think I will be taking him to vets. Thank god I took out pet insurance last month :lol:

Lou....... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: What on earth is a sex wee :think: I don't think i've ever done one of those :rotfl: And I was watching Cbeebies! :rotfl:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
HC.. I think I will be taking him to vets. Thank god I took out pet insurance last month :lol:

Lou....... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: What on earth is a sex wee :think: I don't think i've ever done one of those :rotfl: And I was watching Cbeebies! :rotfl:

A sex wee, you know, men's sexy wee.....the 'other' liquid that comes from the winky :wink:

But no, Cbeebies isn't that exciting :)

and I meant your dog you nutter, not you :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: why didn't you just say cum??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: No it definately wasn't that.. not that i'm an expert on dog cum :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: why didn't you just say cum??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: No it definately wasn't that.. not that i'm an expert on dog cum :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sex wee sounds nicer :)

I could hardly say "So, do you think it might have been dog cum on your sofa"?


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Lou you do make me laugh, I wish you did live in same street, you could come over and have a cuppa, sit on my cum covered couch :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Lou you do make me laugh, I wish you did live in same street, you could come over and have a cuppa, sit on my cum covered couch :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Na, I've decided not to have any more kids :D
My dog wees when she's excited - happily excited by the way Lou :shakehead:

When have you got him booked in at the vets? He may have just been dreaming. Worth getting it checked out though.
no idea about the pee thing sorry, but for the smell sprinkle bicarb soda on it rub in then brush or hoover off and that will get rid of smell, also works with sick, but not cum sorry!! :lol:
kazzie-bo said:
no idea about the pee thing sorry, but for the smell sprinkle bicarb soda on it rub in then brush or hoover off and that will get rid of smell, also works with sick, but not cum sorry!! :lol:

I bet Kim & Aggie would know how to get cum out of fabric :D

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