Private Strep B Test


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I just wondered if anyone had/was planning to have it done?
You don't need to. Go to you're midwife (near to your due date - no point before then as it could be neg but then develop it later) complaining of some sort of vaginal irritation (bv/thrush/waster infection - take your pick) ask for swabs to diagnose, then while they're at it could they test u for strep b.

I was advised (off the record) to do this by a midwife and I don't know anyone it hasn't worked for.

Like I say, absolutely no reason to do it until 3rd tri close to due date though xx
Agree with girly, that's how mine was found. I was absolutely fine and had a relatively uncomplicated birth x
strep B was picked up on a swab in my first pregnacy so have antibotices in each labour !I think they should test all expecting mother to be honest
I asked my midwife about this yesterday and they said they test if it's in your urine at booking in and if it is you'll be told and they'll monitor/treat accordingly. Apparently if it's in your urine (rather than a swab) the chances are higher of it being passed on but otherwise the risk is very low. WHO don't recommend testing in pregnancy as its a transient virus which comes and goes so people would be given antibiotics unnecessarily. The USA test all pregnant women and their rates are no better than the UK so this also points to the ineffectiveness of testing. She did say the NHS are very hot on any sign of infection so if you or baby showed any signs of infection eg temperature you would be given antibiotics. I am a worrier and have stressed about this on numerous occasions but she did put my mind at rest. Hope this helps xx
I asked my midwife about this yesterday and they said they test if it's in your urine at booking in and if it is you'll be told and they'll monitor/treat accordingly. Apparently if it's in your urine (rather than a swab) the chances are higher of it being passed on but otherwise the risk is very low. WHO don't recommend testing in pregnancy as its a transient virus which comes and goes so people would be given antibiotics unnecessarily. The USA test all pregnant women and their rates are no better than the UK so this also points to the ineffectiveness of testing. She did say the NHS are very hot on any sign of infection so if you or baby showed any signs of infection eg temperature you would be given antibiotics. I am a worrier and have stressed about this on numerous occasions but she did put my mind at rest. Hope this helps xx

Really? The NHS website states they don't test anyone for it? I'm really confused now!

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