Private scan costs...

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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How much is a private normal ultrasound?

And where would I begin to enquire?

My stupid hospital has changed my scan to when am 14 weeks... delayed by 2. Not happy but I am abroad the day am due to go which means it will be even later!!

So.. am impatient as anything and my oh suggested this route if they have to delay it so much...

I was really looking forward to my original date and was gutted to receive this letter yesterday!

Thanks for any info xxx
Thats awful. The orices of private scan vary depending on what type of scan you have. Baby bond do a dating scan for £95

I've used Babybond in previous pregnancies and I think they're good. I have a gender scan booked with them in a few weeks. :)
I would call and speak to the hospital direct, and tell them you are off on holiday so cant make the scan at 14 weeks (tell them you are going for 2 weeks even if you are not and that you are not happy to wait until 16 weeks).

Some hospitals have to do scans before a certain time (generally when scan is being done at the same time as blood tests to check for Downs etc).

I missed the first set of blood tests and was eventually tested for Downs Syndrome at 16 weeks, but its different blood tests than the initial ones!

If you decide on a private scan, then Google - "private Baby Dating Scan"

Babybond are another company that offer them!!
Thats not great is it!! Id definately ring up and say your not happy, they should really try and get you in around the 12 week mark
I had something similar with me. My hospital do the Nuchal downs tests which is when you have your dating scan (not all hospitals do this tho, many do the bloods at 16 weeks) and it must be done before 14 weeks and they were saying they couldn't fit me in till after that.

I had a word with midwife who wasn't too impressed, she gave me the number for the sister on the antenatal ward, i rang her to explain situation and she then sorted it all out for me and i got my scan at 12 weeks, yeah!

It's always worth a little complaining here and there!! :)

If you don't get any joy, private dating scans seem to cost around £100, just google for your area to find local ones.
Thanks guys!

I had my MW app yday and because am on holiday the 31st they could only fit me in the 5th november and il be about ..wel nearly 15 weeks i think so no way!

Anyhows my darling oh has booked us in on saturday at this place in st helens *thanks again sara*

quarter to three on sat i get to meet my baby!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It costs £65 for the basic one, may pay the extra and get the dvd! :think:

Ta!! xxxx :)

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