private scan advice please....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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just seen a few ladies on anougher thread say that because they went private on a couple scans the nhs dint want to give them one.
as you no i have my private scan tomorrow it says to bring my midwife notes shall i leave them at home so they dont write in them and the nhs find out and refuse me my other scan?
any help would be great
manda xx
That was meeee
I would take ur notes
If u've already got a date they wont know none the wiser
thanks hun but will the private scan people not right anything in my notes about it?
manda xx
They will but
when u go for ur nhs scan they dont go to write in ur white notes untill
u r there and they wont refuse to scan u
I wouldn't worry if your scans already booked. I was one of the one's it happened too, but I didn't question it at the time cos I was too in shock at finding myself pregnant to care.
I'd take your notes with you :hug: :hug:
I've had a private scan with BabyBond today and they didn't need my notes. Never even mentioned them.. I'd leave them at home.
hi... just been on here and saw another certain thread! just wanna let u guys kno i got a free private gender scan (im not under 16) at Innervision. dont kno why they were offering them or if they still are (it was when i was 33 weeks- so april then!) but its worth a try. btw it was only 2 determine the sex didnt get a long look or dvd or nething but i did catch her little face on 3d. and no i didnt take my notes (altho id already had my nhs one by then of course)

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