Pretty sure I've had a miscarriage


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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Although not confirmed by the doctors just yet, I am more or less certain that I have miscarried. I have spent the past 24 hours bleeding, with the bleeding getting heavier and heavier. I had a scan today which showed no sign of life inside me. I have had a blood test and need to go back for another, but I am certain it'll say I am not pregnant. I took a CB Digital and it is going backwards, so this must be it.

I am grateful that it happened early on in the pregnancy, that's all.
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs:not knowing for sure must be really hard. Please look after yourself and seek comfort in your OH; if you have miscarried, take time to grieve, MC is so hard on your emotions so try not to bottle things up. xxxx
Im sorry for your loss! Take cate pf yourself and your oh!! Spend time together! Xx
It's hard having to plod on as normal. I have a son to look after and my OH has work to do. All I really want to do is stay in bed all day long, there is no time to grieve unfortunately.
Aww I'm so sorry to hear this news Rooster. Don't know what else to say. Look after yourself xx
I'm going through a similar situation you have my sympathy babe, its awful! I hope you get some answers soon x
Thanks everyone, it has been tough but have no choice but to carry on. I'm just feeling overwhelmed more than anything else at the moment. I'll find out for certain tomorrow. I am going to take a home pregnancy test tomorrow and if that says Not Pregnant then I doubt i'll bother going back for a second blood test.
My miscarriage has just been confirmed. My hormone levels were rubbish to start with and had dropped today to 7!
Sending you big hugs, it's a hard thing to go through but time helps to heal. It's like a rollercoaster of emotions, people said lots of things to me at the time - none of which made me feel better. I found talking to my OH really helped and keeping busy. Take care & stay strong xx

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