preterm babies


Jan 2, 2008
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baby threatening 2 come at 26 weeks now 30 weeks and still going into labour, doctors keep stopping it any1 had this happen. signed :x and stressed out.
no sorry i didnt , all i can say every week bubs stays put gives it a hugely bigger chance all will be ok . good luck :hug:
hi, my baby was born at 30 weeks unfortunatly no time to stop labour , i hear if they have time they can give steriods to help babies lungs. if u have any questions please just ask , my little boy is just fine he just needs to catch up with his weight . all the best xx
Yeah - they can give steroids for the lungs. My LO was born at 34 weeks... I did go into labour (& waters broke) at 33wks & 5days, but had drugs to stop labour & jab of steriods for babies lungs just in case.

Then 4 days later, LO's heartbeat was dropping regularly due to lying on cord & no waters - so had a cesarean. He was fine - breathing on own, just needed fattening up on special care for 2 weeks before coming home.

Whilst LO was in special care there was one baby who was born 12 weeks preme weighing 1lb 10oz & I just recently saw him at one of my post natal groups. He's now 4 months old (1 month corrected) and 6lb 5oz and doing well.... so please take heart that even if your LO arrives now there is every chance he/she will be perfectly alright - even if you do have a short stay on the special care unit.

Best wishes - hope it all goes well. :hug:

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