Pressure.. Please read..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Ok its hard to explain this..

prob been a million posts about it too, but..

i feel like "junior" is really low and he is pressing down on my pelvis or somethin.. its quite painful, i'm really starting to feel the weight and i'm only 29weeks (tomorrow) also needed a wee 10x more a day, i'll go.. sit down, then again.. and on and on...
i thought could it be a water infection, but i has samply testing on Fri and was fine..

so it must be Junior pressing down or somethin? any suggestions... xx
It could be that baby has started to engage hun :hug: It can happen early in a first pregnancy, but it doesn't mean baby is going to come early's just your tummy muscles are all nice and tight and encourage the baby downwards ready for delivery :) When's your next MW appointment?? She should be able to tell you where your baby is positioned :hug:
:hug: The toilet thing is evil I think its just one of those things I feel like I need a wee all the time but there isnt actually anything there its hard to know when I REALLY need to go.

It might be that you LO is turning head down which is a good thing even though its a bit uncomfy for a little while. How long have you felt it for? When Pip span upside down I felt really uncomfy and the pushing feeling for about 4days or so then it went away then came back a week or so later when she was moving down a bit
claireyfairey said:
It could be that baby has started to engage hun :hug: It can happen early in a first pregnancy, but it doesn't mean baby is going to come early's just your tummy muscles are all nice and tight and encourage the baby downwards ready for delivery :) When's your next MW appointment?? She should be able to tell you where your baby is positioned :hug:

I just had my midwife app on Fri, she said babys head was down, didnt say anything about it being engaged tho, does it normally hurt when babys head starts to engage?
at my last scan (3d) he was facing my back, and would not move no matter what we did, they said he looks like hes stuck in that position lol.. maybe he doesnt want to move now..

only other prob is i booked for another scan to get some better images of face on wed, but if hes facing other way, theres not much point.. i dont know how i can tell, think its impossible? xx
It sounds to me like it is just the pressure from baby being head down, but I know I started to feel different when baby's head began to engage....almost like there was a weight between my legs and I also felt like I had a constant full bladder. I get a lot more blows to the bladder now than I did before, I presume that's because baby is closer to it....

But don't go on what I'm saying of course, this is my first pregnancy too so I'm hardly an expert! :lol: I would say as long as you're not in any pain, then feelings of pressure down below are just a normal part of pregnancy :hug: If you're really worried you could always phone your MW for reassurance? Hope you feel better soon anyway :hug:
nickilubs said:
:hug: The toilet thing is evil I think its just one of those things I feel like I need a wee all the time but there isnt actually anything there its hard to know when I REALLY need to go.

It might be that you LO is turning head down which is a good thing even though its a bit uncomfy for a little while. How long have you felt it for? When Pip span upside down I felt really uncomfy and the pushing feeling for about 4days or so then it went away then came back a week or so later when she was moving down a bit

i've been having the "achy" feeling for about 3/4days now.. silly me didnt mention it to the midwife as i just thought it was pregnancy pains lol.. i know its nothing bad as hes kicking away loads.. but just bad for me lol...

i'm thinkin wether or not to canx scan as if hes down there now, he may not move? or can he move once hes ,maybe "engaged" xx
claireyfairey said:
It sounds to me like it is just the pressure from baby being head down, but I know I started to feel different when baby's head began to engage....almost like there was a weight between my legs and I also felt like I had a constant full bladder. I get a lot more blows to the bladder now than I did before, I presume that's because baby is closer to it....

But don't go on what I'm saying of course, this is my first pregnancy too so I'm hardly an expert! :lol: I would say as long as you're not in any pain, then feelings of pressure down below are just a normal part of pregnancy :hug: If you're really worried you could always phone your MW for reassurance? Hope you feel better soon anyway :hug:

i really appreciate replys :)
i just think juniors being a pain hehe... typical man lol...

think hes down there now and comphy.. i think hes going to stay that way... :-/ xxx
Sounds like he could be engaged. has your bump dropped? mine has and I asked on here and sounds like my baby is also engaged. And I feel like I need a wee all the time and feel a lot of pressure. :hug: :hug:
claireyfairey said:
It sounds to me like it is just the pressure from baby being head down, but I know I started to feel different when baby's head began to engage....
Yeah definitely. Don't forget, he's getting really big now! He's running out of room upwards so he'll start to feel heavier like he's moving down.

I think she would have mentioned if he was engaged. Sometimes they'll just sit really low for ages and all of a sudden you'll feel the grinding of their head in your pelvis or something and then your MW will announce he's engaged! Sometimes you don't even notice the difference when baby engages (Usually between 35 weeks - labour).

It's normal though hun and one of the pains of late pregnancy! Especially the loo thing, coorrrr, that's annoying! It's just where baby is laying on your bladder, you'll probably find you think you need a wee reeeeeally badly and then just a little bit drizzles out and you've heaved yourself off the couch and dragged your feet to the loo for a measly little bit of wee lol!

I'm the same, needing the loo a lot. I do drink quite a bit of water in the day, but at night I need to wee and have to get up to go.
Thanks for replyin girlies...

aslong as its normal i dont mind :)

hes def makin me wee lots, :-( and just like you said Dannii, i get myself out of bed and jump on loo. and nothing lol.. such a pain! all worth it tho :) xxx
Have you got your green notes? I'm just thinking, there's a section where they said "eng" for engaged or "ceph" for not...?

Whatever it is, even if he's not engaged yet, he's going the right way to being engaged so it's all preparation for the big day :cheer: :hug: xx
Thanks Danni, after lookin for about an hour lol going though it about 10 times, i finally realised lol (pregnancy brain) sooo thick... lol... yeh shes put Ceph, and Free which is 5/5 engaged or summit, so bascially not engaged atall lol xx
charlotteheys85 said:
Thanks Danni, after lookin for about an hour lol going though it about 10 times, i finally realised lol (pregnancy brain) sooo thick... lol... yeh shes put Ceph, and Free which is 5/5 engaged or summit, so bascially not engaged atall lol xx
It only takes a minute for baby to become engaged though! He could be VERY low and *almost* engaged?!!! xx
Once hes engaged can he (un-engage) i'm so clueless to third tri stuff :oops: :oops:

I'm hoping he'll have his face facing my tummy on wed for scan.. dont want my pelvis to trap him in just yet hehe...

btw (on your bump thread) your Evie def has dropped, i cant believe how gorgeous and big your bump is (mean in a nice way, hehe) xx
Aww thanks hun! I don't know :think: I'm wondering that too! I always thought that once they're engaged their engaged, but I'm starting to wonder about that theory... :think: xx

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