Head pressure when he moves?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Sometimes when my boy moves it causes pressure in my head?! It's hard to explain but it feels like someone is squeezing my head. It only lasts a few seconds (20 at most) and then goes away and it doesn't happen every time he moves.

Could he be pressing on a vein or nerve? I have MW next Tuesday so i'll mention it to her but wanted to know if any of you get this? x
Sorry never got this but like you said it does sound like hes on a nerve or something xxx
Hope so, i'm not too worried because it only happens like 3/4 times a day and my blood pressure has always been normal but it's a bit annoying when i'm trying to concentrate on something! lol x
never had this either but yeah could just be a nerve. xxx
i've not had that but i do keep ketting the odd slight dizziness in my head... not very often though. sounds like a nerve or something. x x x
i would imagine its got something to do with either baby being on a nerve or a blood vessel hun, probably a bit like when you lie flat on your back and they press on your main vein
Id mention it to your mw, but doubt its anything to worry about, provided you arent being affected by it
Do you get it while lying in your bed? Like all the blood is rushing to your head. I get that but not just randomly

No, it's always when i'm sitting up, it's literally like he's pressing down on something and my head feels like its being squeezed! Its not painful or anything just uncomfortable. It last no more than 20 seconds and then clears as though he's relaxed again and got off of whatever he was pressing on. Very strange lol x
Absolutely no idea. Let your midwife know, and if you can't get hold of her then ring the midwives at the hospital and ask them about it. Just incase!

When I'm on my back for examinations or whatever, I get dizzy. That's sort of to be expected! but I've not heard of pressure in the mum's head.
Because it doesn't happen all the time i'll wait until my MW app next Tues. Unless when it happens it leaves me with a headache, then i'll call her.

Thanks :) x

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