Prepay Electricity


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Anyone have it? We're on it here with no gas and are currently going through £40-50 a week!! It's ridiculous! Any advice? We're with EDF xx

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I have prepay hun and usually (minus Christmas lighting) I spend about £10 per week. I recently changed from Power NI to Airtricity for a better deal but I think the UK mainland have a better range of providers to choose from? I also changed my gas provider but I usually put about £20 a week on my meter for that in the winter but I don't always use it all.

Definitely shop around and get the best deal you can. x
Pre pay meters are a nightmare... i used to work for a power company... does the meter have any debt on it that you are paying back? did you contact the company when you moved in with meter readings... people often think that's because it's prepay you don't need to give readings but you do.. and it could be that a previous tenant had debt they were paying off on the meter... as that sounds a lot.. what size house do you live in, how many people and what gas appliances do you have?

Like babysmomma said shop around as well xx
Yeah I called them the day we moved. They're supposed to have cleared all the debt but I don't really know what I'm doing :/

We live in a 2 bed flat, just me, OH and Cesca. No gas. We only ever have one of the heaters on at a time and only turn the water on for an hour in the morning and 2 in the evening xx

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Hmm with you being all electric then £40-£50 a week isn't really all that bad... are they storage heaters or just panel heaters... ie do they heat up instantly or over night?

Leaving things on standby still uses electricity.. more than you'd realise... switch everything off at the wall that will help... if you're worried about it speak to the company they'll get you to take readings every day at the same time for a period of time to work out your average usage xx
They're panel heaters. I had just electric (same as here) at my old place and we only used £15 a week :/ xx

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I'm going to tomorrow xx

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I had a horrendous bill at my old place :( it was over 900 bloody storage heaters so I got a meter. I have only just this week finished paying the bill off!

If you put the key in and scroll through the different screens it should tell you how much debt your paying a week, don't jst trust what you think you set it up as? It may be wrong on the may have it set as like 20 paymet a week??
We don't have any debt to pay off. We've only just moved in! Lol Apparently the amount we're paying is about right :/ xx

Mummy to Francesca. Born 10/08/2011. Expecting my baby boy, Benjamin. Due 07/03/2013.

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I know you said you haven't got any debt to pay, but have you checked the actual meter? It took them 6 months to move my debt over... Could be from previous tenants x
I pay about 40-50 a week with gas and electric on meters, sounds right if your using electric heating too
Oh my word im glad you posted this. We are with EDF on key meters and the ammount of gas we are using is ridiculous!! We did a test and 1 bath, 2 showers and the heating on for 2 hours on 2 nights cost us a full £10!! now thats just not right!! We only have 3 radiators actually on in the house for the rooms we use aswell!!

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