Prenatal Depression?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2012
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has anyone suffered prenatal depression?

I feel i may be slipping into a depression.
Ive had a few issues with my pregnancy since early on felt really poorly , ever since i recovered ive became more anxious about things , i have found work to be much more of a struggle and ould not switch off from it and coming home in tears. and have been sufferning from dizzy spells and visual disturbanes. Turns out im having pregnancy related migranes , these are really painful and on a daily basis , doc has signed me off for a bit to rest as he says im doing to much.

However my mood hasnt changed even though im resting, im in tears everyday sometimes for hours at a time i just feel so low and feelings of guilt. Guilt of being poorly and what effect could have on baby , then when im not at work and resting i feel guilty for not working its just a vicious circle.
Only time i feel rested is when i o for a scan baby makes me so happy but then all the worrying starts.
This is my first pregnancy.

I have suffered depression in the past but is been a good 6-7years since i have been treated for it.

Its just came out of the blue.

Any advice will be gratefully recieved


I can sort of relate with you.

ive also had some problems with my pregnancy and this is my first.

a few weeks ago my husband sat me down and spoke to me, he told me im not who I used to be and that hes extremely worried about me and wants me to see someone.
I sit at home most days as have been signed off from work on long term sick and Im miserable guilt is also playing a big part, I feel as though I cant even do the most natural thing in the world.

ive aslo suffered from depression previously and was on medication for a few years.

did you tell you midwife about the previous depression in your booking appointment? I chose not too as didn't want to feel judged and im too worried to tell her at my next appointment.

Im not able to give you any advice but I understand how u feel, I hope some other ladies can give you some advice, ill be stalking the post if that's ok :)

Aw hun, I can totally relate to what you're feeling. I'm on my third baby and with my two previous pgs I suffered horrendous migraine auras (visual) because of hormones. With my first, it totally changed my personality, and I was so anxious and miserable. I had 3 or 4 a day for 4 weeks - horrific. My husband was so concerned as I changed completely but I have to say that as soon as baby was born I went back to 'normal' again. With my second pg, I was prepared and prescribed some safe medication which seemed to help. I'm just starting with them in this pg and know that it will end so trying to cope better - they are awful though and they do affect your mood. How many weeks are you? My worst time was 28-32 weeks, apparently this is when there's a change in hormone levels. This time they started at 21 weeks though so I'm hoping they will finish soon. PM me if you need any more info or just to chat. Try not to worry, pg does strange things to your mind and body! Hugs x
Hi thanks for your reply girls its much appriciated.
yeah i told them about my depression in past

HAving a bad day today broke down and my dad came over. Im trying to get my sicknot extended but i cannot get a docs appointment untill next week.
do you know if your midwife can help with this?
I think only a doctor can sign it, but midwife could ask doc to do for you, my midwife got doctor to sign prescription for me xx

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