Hi everyone, hoping I'm not the only woman feeling this way... I'm around 5 weeks pregnant, I only found out yesterday and right now, I feel no excitement or joy, just pure terror. I can't sleep or eat
I've been with my partner for 4 years and for almost all of that time I've been desperate to become a mum. My partner recently, finally agreed we could start trying and a month later I'm pregnant after fearing it would take years! I dreamed about this for so long, how excited I'd feel, it's all I've ever wanted so why do I feel so sad and down? Mostly it's because I feel isolated. We moved to the north east a few months ago, 2 hours away from my family and friends as it's where my partner is from. He now works abroad and is only home 4 days, once a month. I've got no friends up here and no job to occupy me. I was job hunting when I fell pregnant. I only have my mother in law and sis in law who i'm just starting to get to know. I'm worried about how we'll afford the baby with just my partner's wage (he already has 2 kids from previous relationship to support) i'm worried as our house isn't big enough for a new baby, I feel lonely and no that i'm unlikely to find a job now i'm pregnant so i feel totally isolated up here. Would feel so much better if my mum was here and my friends. Does anyone else feel terrified now they're pregnant?