pregnant and on the coil... advice please


Jul 26, 2011
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hello ladies, well ont he weekend i found out i am pregnant, i had the coil fitted 4 weeks ago and i did a digital test which said i conceived more then 3 weeks ago so looks like i got caught before i had the coil fitted. I have been drs and am booked in for an early scan tomorow ( wed am). Just wondered if anyone else has ever been pregnanct whilst the coiil has been in? im a bit anxious and am praying everything is ok xxxx

love carly x
Sorry hun I.have never had the coil but I didn't want to read and run, but congratulations and I hope everything works out ok for you xxx

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not had this expeirinace but hopeing everything is ok for you good luck and congratulations x
Hi there, I had two friends who had this happen, but they got pregnant while on the coil instead of before it got fitted. It's an IUD, correct? (Sorry, I am Canadian so want to make sure I understand correctly!). From what I know, they have to remove the coil in order for your pregnancy to continue. Removing the coil has a chance of causing the pregnancy to end. I hope it works out for you, sending thoughts your way! xx
i had the merina coil fitted after ds was born but i had to have it fitted few days after af was here to make sure i wasn't pg but the dr did tell me if i was or fell pg it would have to be removed as soon as possible which does carry a slight risk of mc but leaving it in would cause a lot more problems later in pregnancy hth xx

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