pregnant and going crazy


New Member
Dec 16, 2010
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I have been off work for 3 days as for the past 3 nights I can't stop being sick. i go asleep then from midnight I cannot stop being sick and feeling sick. I have restless legs (in fact body) and im keeping everyone awake. Then when it comes to getting up for wprk I am completely shattered. Im struggling to open my eyes & feel extremely weak. My Dr has prescribed me some anti sickness tablets which work a little but its the weakness that is preventing me from working and I fear I will lose my job as Im only on a temporary contract (i have however been in work since leaving school i just changed jobs before I knew wrong timing i suppose) and I dont know what to do? I dont know what im entitled to with no job or if you can even get signed off with morning sickness? I feel so low and depressed, worse I cant even speak to my GP without clamming up and feeling like they are getting at me (Eg i mentioned my partner had stayed at home a couple of nights as I'd been sick most nights and he said well that stands well for when the baby arrives doesn't it, i just felt a little put out dunno maybe i am to sensitive) Im just so scared the baby wont be healthy, my partner doesn't really want this even though he insists he does I know its hormones but its all so real i feel like it cant just be that. I fear of losing my job. Is it hard to get work when pregnant? Im sorry if this is rambleing on but iv not spoken to anyone about things and need to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading
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Sounds like you have some morning sickness there hun :hugs: ginger biscuits are suppose to really help. If you are feeling low you should talk to your midwife they are there to help not make you feel worse and it would be advisable to be honest :hugs:

1st trimester can be very tiring, early nights and naps are really the key - early nights especially if you are working all day. Have you informed you boss you are pregnant doing so may help if your feeling weak as they hopefully will allow you a little extra break or breather should you need on.


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