Pregnant and alone :'(


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
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I'm fiveish weeks pregnant and incredibly hormonal I wasn't this bad with my daughter I just have to listen to a song and I'm in tears if I see a picture of my boyfriend I'm in tears foe ages I'm now lay in bed crying my eyes out I can barely breath I don't know what to do I'm on my own five weeks pregnant with my two year old daughter I keep it together infront of her all day as best I can but I miss my boyfriend so damn much I have other people but I need the father of my child he's in the army and away until the first of December and I'll be about ten weeks by then I'll have done the first trimester on my own and I don't know how to cope with all of these feelings any advice? Any mummies in a similar boat I just don't know what to do :'(
Just wanted to gove you a big hug. There are many mums like you. Just think of that precious little baby you will have and you beautiful daughter.xx
Hey how you doing today? I get emotional all the time at the min my husbands thinks I'm silly. Just wanted to send you a big hug and tell you it's ok and normal to feel how you do and must be crap doing this on your own. Try keep busy, see your friends ect. It won't help ay night but might take your mind of it during the day xx
Sending you massive hugs, I can't imagine going through tri 1 on my own, although my husband probably wishes I wasn't so tetchy with him the whole time. You are being amazingly strong to keep going in front of your daughter, you are a great mum, but remember you need to look after yourself too. Is there anyone you're close to that you can confide in, a friend or family member, someone that can give you a hug and let you cry it out if you need. I always feel better after crying on someone's shoulder, even if the problem itself hasn't gone away, just because I'm not alone in coping with it. Take care x

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